[Problem:] ADB mit HTC Desire HD Win 7 x64



Erfahrenes Mitglied
Hallo alle zusammen!

Ich habe zu hause einen Windows 7 PC x64 und da läuft alles einwandfrei. Auf arbeit allerdings sieht das anders aus. Auch ein Windows 7 PC x64 nur kann ich ADB nur manchmal verbinden.

Hier eine Beschreibung:

  • Start von Eclipse
  • LogCat fängt für ca. 2 Sekunden an Ausgaben zu machen
  • Danach hört sie auf und die Console meldet sich mit:
    [2011-04-13 10:31:44 - DeviceMonitor]Adb connection Error:Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen
    [2011-04-13 10:31:44 - DeviceMonitor]Sending Tracking request failed!
    [2011-04-13 10:31:44 - DeviceMonitor]Adb connection Error:Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen
    [2011-04-13 10:31:45 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 1
    [2011-04-13 10:31:46 - Logcat]Connection refused: connect
    java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
        at sun.nio.ch.Net.connect(Native Method)
        at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
        at java.nio.channels.SocketChannel.open(Unknown Source)
        at com.android.ddmlib.AdbHelper.executeRemoteCommand(AdbHelper.java:367)
        at com.android.ddmlib.Device.executeShellCommand(Device.java:284)
        at com.android.ddmuilib.logcat.LogPanel$3.run(LogPanel.java:527)
    [2011-04-13 10:31:47 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 2
    [2011-04-13 10:31:49 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 3
    [2011-04-13 10:31:51 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 4
    [2011-04-13 10:31:53 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 5
    [2011-04-13 10:31:55 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 6
    [2011-04-13 10:31:57 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 7
    [2011-04-13 10:31:59 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 8
    [2011-04-13 10:32:01 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 9
    [2011-04-13 10:32:03 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 10
    [2011-04-13 10:32:05 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 11
    [2011-04-13 10:32:11 - adb]
    [2011-04-13 10:32:11 - adb]This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
    [2011-04-13 10:32:11 - adb]Please contact the application's support team for more information.
    [2011-04-13 10:32:14 - DeviceMonitor]Adb connection Error:Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen
    [2011-04-13 10:32:15 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 1
    [2011-04-13 10:32:17 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 2
    [2011-04-13 10:32:19 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 3
    [2011-04-13 10:32:21 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 4
    [2011-04-13 10:32:23 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 5
    [2011-04-13 10:32:25 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 6
    [2011-04-13 10:32:27 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 7
    [2011-04-13 10:32:29 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 8
    [2011-04-13 10:32:31 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 9
    [2011-04-13 10:32:33 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 10
    [2011-04-13 10:32:35 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 11
    [2011-04-13 10:32:41 - adb]
    [2011-04-13 10:32:41 - adb]This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
  • Ich kann weder eine App starten noch kann ich die LogCat lesen.

Habt Ihr eine Idee was das sein könnte?

Versucht habe ich auch:

  • adb neustart per konsole und per ddms
  • Komplette Treiber neuinstallation
  • ROM wechsel
Hallo Unicate,

hast du dein HTC Sync an?
Mach den ma aus und sag, ob es geholfen hat.

Tschuldige, hatte ich in meiner Liste "schon versucht" vergessen.

Hab ich natürlich gemacht. Nicht geholfen.
Noch jemand eine Idee?
Eclipse zumachen.

USB abstecken
ADB -killserver
USB anstecken
ADB devices oder ADB shell

wenn das geht, Eclipse wieder starten.

Habe das Problem auch ab-und-zu, und das hilft zumindest bei mir immer.
Hab ich schon mehrfach und nun nocheinmal probiert, selbe Reaktion.
adb devices:
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
emulator-5554   device
HT0CXXXXXXX    device
Nachdem ich Eclipse starte kommt wieder:
[2011-04-15 09:48:24 - DeviceMonitor]Adb connection Error:Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen
[2011-04-15 09:48:25 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 1
[2011-04-15 09:48:27 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 2
[2011-04-15 09:48:29 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 3
[2011-04-15 09:48:31 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 4
[2011-04-15 09:48:33 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 5
[2011-04-15 09:48:35 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 6
[2011-04-15 09:48:37 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 7
[2011-04-15 09:48:39 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 8
[2011-04-15 09:48:41 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 9
[2011-04-15 09:48:43 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 10
[2011-04-15 09:48:45 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 11
[2011-04-15 09:48:52 - adb]
[2011-04-15 09:48:52 - adb]This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
[2011-04-15 09:48:52 - adb]Please contact the application's support team for more information.
[2011-04-15 09:48:55 - DeviceMonitor]Adb connection Error:Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen
[2011-04-15 09:48:56 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 1
[2011-04-15 09:48:58 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 2
[2011-04-15 09:49:00 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 3
[2011-04-15 09:49:02 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 4
[2011-04-15 09:49:04 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 5
[2011-04-15 09:49:06 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 6
[2011-04-15 09:49:08 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 7
[2011-04-15 09:49:10 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 8
[2011-04-15 09:49:12 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 9
[2011-04-15 09:49:14 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 10
[2011-04-15 09:49:16 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 11
[2011-04-15 09:49:23 - adb]
[2011-04-15 09:49:23 - adb]This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
[2011-04-15 09:49:23 - adb]Please contact the application's support team for more information.
[2011-04-15 09:49:26 - DeviceMonitor]Adb connection Error:Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen
[2011-04-15 09:49:27 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 1
[2011-04-15 09:49:29 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 2
[2011-04-15 09:49:31 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 3
[2011-04-15 09:49:33 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 4
[2011-04-15 09:49:35 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 5
[2011-04-15 09:49:37 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 6
[2011-04-15 09:49:39 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 7
[2011-04-15 09:49:41 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 8
[2011-04-15 09:49:43 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 9
[2011-04-15 09:49:45 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 10
[2011-04-15 09:49:47 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 11
[2011-04-15 09:49:54 - adb]
[2011-04-15 09:49:54 - adb]This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
[2011-04-15 09:49:54 - adb]Please contact the application's support team for more information.
[2011-04-15 09:49:57 - DeviceMonitor]Adb connection Error:Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen
[2011-04-15 09:49:58 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 1
[2011-04-15 09:50:00 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 2
[2011-04-15 09:50:02 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 3
[2011-04-15 09:50:04 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 4
[2011-04-15 09:50:06 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 5
[2011-04-15 09:50:08 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 6
[2011-04-15 09:50:10 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 7
[2011-04-15 09:50:12 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 8
[2011-04-15 09:50:14 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 9
[2011-04-15 09:50:16 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 10
[2011-04-15 09:50:18 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 11
[2011-04-15 09:50:24 - adb]
[2011-04-15 09:50:24 - adb]This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
[2011-04-15 09:50:24 - adb]Please contact the application's support team for more information.
[2011-04-15 09:50:27 - DeviceMonitor]Adb connection Error:Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen
[2011-04-15 09:50:28 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 1
[2011-04-15 09:50:30 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 2
[2011-04-15 09:50:32 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 3
[2011-04-15 09:50:34 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 4
[2011-04-15 09:50:36 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 5
[2011-04-15 09:50:38 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 6
[2011-04-15 09:50:40 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 7
[2011-04-15 09:50:42 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 8
[2011-04-15 09:50:44 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 9
[2011-04-15 09:50:46 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 10
[2011-04-15 09:50:48 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 11
[2011-04-15 09:50:55 - adb]
[2011-04-15 09:50:55 - adb]This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
[2011-04-15 09:50:55 - adb]Please contact the application's support team for more information.
[2011-04-15 09:50:58 - DeviceMonitor]Adb connection Error:Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen
[2011-04-15 09:50:59 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 1

Wenn Du den Treiber neu installiert hast, das Device bei Dir zu Hause funktioniert und auf der Arbeit nicht, obwohl es sich um die gleichen Softwarevorraussetzungen handelt (Win7 64 Bit, Eclipse usw.) würde mich mal interessieren, ob Du vielleicht einen USB-Hub dazwischen hast. Ich habe bei meinem IPhone das Problem, dass er mir bei einem Softwareupdate jedesmal das komplette System zerschießt, wenn ich das Gerät nicht direkt per Kabel an einen USB-Port am Rechner einstecke.
Ansonsten kopier Dir Dein Eclipse von zu Hause mal auf einen Stick und nimms mit ins Büro. Wenn ADB funktioniert und sich das Device erst nach dem Start von Exlipse weghängt liegt vielleicht das Problem beim Android-SDK-Plugin?
Sind zwar alles nur "aus dem Bauch heraus" Vorschläge, aber vielleicht hilfts!

Gruß DoM
Keinen USB Hub, andere Geräte funktionieren einwandfrei am selben PC.

Hab das selbe Problem nun auch zu hause. Keine Änderungen am Gerät gemacht.
Bei mir genau das gleiche,

Win7 x64
DesireHD mit DesireS-Port-ROM (Gingerbread) oder
HTC Magic FroYo original-ROM Vodafone
adb remount als Admin -> Device steht in Liste
Start Eclipse, dann kommt oben genannter Fehler + "adb.exe funktioniert nicht mehr" bis man das Gerät abzieht.

kein Hub, kein HTC Sync.

Würde so gerne meine App am richtigen Telefon testen, hat denn Niemand ne Lösung ? (bzw. weiß jmd. ob das Problem nur unter x64 besteht ??)

Bisher leider noch nicht sorry. Bin auch noch am suchen.

Im Linux geht's einwandfrei, falls dir das hilft.
Klar, dann wird ab jetzt eben wieder unter Ubuntu getestet, daran solls nicht hängen :-D .

ich habe genau das selbe problem.

HTC Desire HD

-> auf der arbeit:

[2011-05-25 13:46:27 - DeviceMonitor]Adb connection Error:Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen
[2011-05-25 13:46:28 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 1
[2011-05-25 13:46:30 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 2
[2011-05-25 13:46:32 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 3
[2011-05-25 13:46:34 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 4
[2011-05-25 13:46:36 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 5
[2011-05-25 13:46:38 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 6
[2011-05-25 13:46:40 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 7
[2011-05-25 13:46:42 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 8
[2011-05-25 13:46:44 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 9
[2011-05-25 13:46:46 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 10
[2011-05-25 13:46:49 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 11
[2011-05-25 13:46:51 - DeviceMonitor]adb restart attempts: 1
[2011-05-25 13:46:52 - DeviceMonitor]Adb connection Error:Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen
[2011-05-25 13:46:53 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 1
[2011-05-25 13:46:55 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 2
[2011-05-25 13:46:57 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 3
[2011-05-25 13:46:59 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 4
[2011-05-25 13:47:01 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 5
[2011-05-25 13:47:03 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 6
[2011-05-25 13:47:07 - ddms]Can't bind to local 8675 for debugger
[2011-05-25 13:47:07 - DeviceMonitor]Adb connection Error:Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen
[2011-05-25 13:47:08 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 1
[2011-05-25 13:47:10 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 2
[2011-05-25 13:47:13 - ddms]Can't bind to local 8675 for debugger
[2011-05-25 13:47:14 - DeviceMonitor]Adb connection Error:Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen
[2011-05-25 13:47:15 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 1
[2011-05-25 13:47:17 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 2
[2011-05-25 13:47:20 - ddms]Can't bind to local 8675 for debugger
[2011-05-25 13:47:21 - DeviceMonitor]Adb connection Error:Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen
[2011-05-25 13:47:22 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 1
[2011-05-25 13:47:24 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 2
[2011-05-25 13:47:26 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 3
[2011-05-25 13:47:28 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 4
[2011-05-25 13:47:30 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 5
[2011-05-25 13:47:32 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 6
[2011-05-25 13:47:34 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 7
[2011-05-25 13:47:36 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 8
[2011-05-25 13:47:38 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 9
[2011-05-25 13:47:40 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 10
[2011-05-25 13:47:42 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 11
[2011-05-25 13:47:48 - ddms]Can't bind to local 8675 for debugger
[2011-05-25 13:47:48 - adb]
[2011-05-25 13:47:48 - adb]This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
[2011-05-25 13:47:48 - adb]Please contact the application's support team for more information.
[2011-05-25 13:47:48 - DeviceMonitor]Adb connection Error:Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen
[2011-05-25 13:47:49 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 1
[2011-05-25 13:47:51 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 2
[2011-05-25 13:47:53 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 3
[2011-05-25 13:47:56 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 4
[2011-05-25 13:47:58 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 5
[2011-05-25 13:48:00 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 6
[2011-05-25 13:48:02 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 7
[2011-05-25 13:48:04 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 8
[2011-05-25 13:48:06 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 9
[2011-05-25 13:48:08 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 10
[2011-05-25 13:48:10 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 11
[2011-05-25 13:48:15 - ddms]Can't bind to local 8675 for debugger
[2011-05-25 13:48:15 - adb]
[2011-05-25 13:48:15 - adb]This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
[2011-05-25 13:48:15 - adb]Please contact the application's support team for more information.
[2011-05-25 13:48:16 - DeviceMonitor]Adb connection Error:Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen
[2011-05-25 13:48:17 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 1
[2011-05-25 13:48:19 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 2
[2011-05-25 13:48:21 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 3
[2011-05-25 13:48:23 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 4
[2011-05-25 13:48:25 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 5
[2011-05-25 13:48:27 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 6
[2011-05-25 13:48:29 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 7
[2011-05-25 13:48:31 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 8
[2011-05-25 13:48:33 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 9
[2011-05-25 13:48:35 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 10
[2011-05-25 13:48:37 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 11
[2011-05-25 13:48:43 - ddms]Can't bind to local 8675 for debugger
[2011-05-25 13:48:43 - adb]
[2011-05-25 13:48:43 - adb]This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
[2011-05-25 13:48:43 - adb]Please contact the application's support team for more information.
[2011-05-25 13:48:44 - DeviceMonitor]Adb connection Error:Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen
[2011-05-25 13:48:45 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 1
[2011-05-25 13:48:47 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 2
[2011-05-25 13:48:49 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 3
[2011-05-25 13:48:51 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 4
[2011-05-25 13:48:53 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 5
[2011-05-25 13:48:55 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 6
[2011-05-25 13:48:57 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 7
[2011-05-25 13:48:59 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 8
[2011-05-25 13:49:01 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 9
[2011-05-25 13:49:03 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 10
[2011-05-25 13:49:05 - DeviceMonitor]Connection attempts: 11

daheim geht alles wie es soll.

Daheim: Win7 x64 Professional
Arbeit: Win7 x64 Enterprise
Desire HD: HTC Sense 3.0 mit Android 2.3.3.

manchmal geht es, aber ich weiss nicht wie.

Hast Du eine Lösung für das problem gefunden?
Bei mir hat es geholfen, den Apple Mobile Device Service zu beenden.

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