Volume+ ??



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Hallo wer kennt das App Volume+ ??
Mir ist das LG Optimus ein bischen zu leise beim telefonieren und diese App sollte Abhilfe schaffen oder ??

Auf der Seite (Volume+ | AndroidAudioHacks

Once Volume+ has asked you to do this, you should end up at the main menu, which has 4 options:
  • Speaker Settings
  • Headset Settings
  • Bluetooth Settings
  • In-Call Settings
Aber den Punkt habe ich nicht In-Call Settings ?? Handy hat Rootrechte !
Wer kann helfen ??
Also wenn ich es richtig lese kann diese App das IN-Call Volume sowieso nicht erhöhen:
The In-Call settings are different; they don’t allow you to boost the In-Call volume but instead give you much more control over the volume. You WILL need Root Access to alter these settings as they modify your phone’s build.prop (system/build.prop). With this tool, you can increase the number of volume steps (how many times you have to press volume up/down to get from one end of the scale to the other) to whatever value you want between 6 and 100. Whilst the value is completely down to personal preference, setting it to 100 is certainly not recommended.
Oben Unten