Desire z unter Linux rooten



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will meine DZ rooten, habe gelesen das ich es dazu erst downgraden muss. Leider finde ich dazu nur Anleitungen und Files wie man es unter Windows macht.

Wie roote ich das DZ mit einem Linux-PC?
Die Anleitungen, die auf adb und fastboot basieren sind plattformunabhängig. Was bei Linux halt anders ist sind die Pfadangaben.
magnummandel schrieb:
Die Anleitungen, die auf adb und fastboot basieren sind plattformunabhängig. Was bei Linux halt anders ist sind die Pfadangaben.
dann Poste doch mal bitte ne Anleitung wie ich das DZ unter Linux downgegraded bekomme und was ich in welcher Version dafür brauche und wo ich es herbekomme.

Wo liegt das Problem?

Wie schon gesagt, unter Linux dürfte nicht wirklich was anders sein ausser dass man adb zum laufen bekommen muss...
Wenn du Linux installiert hast, dann kann man ja soviel Grundwissen voraussetzen dass du das auch problemlos hinkriegen solltest, oder?
viper2097 schrieb:
Wo liegt das Problem?

Wie schon gesagt, unter Linux dürfte nicht wirklich was anders sein ausser dass man adb zum laufen bekommen muss...
Wenn du Linux installiert hast, dann kann man ja soviel Grundwissen voraussetzen dass du das auch problemlos hinkriegen solltest, oder?
ich bin mir sicher das ich alles was brauche in den Repos finde, nur weiss ich nicht was ich brauche bzw in welcher Version ich es brauche. Hier mal ein Auszug was alles in den Repos drin ist
[user@Acer1420P arch-user]$ yaourt adb
1 extra/mobile-broadband-provider-info 20110511-1
    Network Management daemon
2 extra/modemmanager
    Mobile broadband modem management service
3 community/deadbeef 0.5.1-5
    An audio player for GNU/Linux based on GTK2.
4 community/firefox-adblock-plus 2.0.3-1
    plugin for firefox which block ads and banners
5 aur/aafm 20111024-1 (16)
    Android ADB File Manager.
6 aur/adb 2.3-2 (24)
    adb host for Linux
7 aur/android-sdk-platform-tools r10-2 (560)
    Platform-Tools for Google Android SDK (adb, aapt, aidl, dexdump and dx)
8 aur/bin32-zattoo 4.0.5-3 (Out of Date) (18)
    Watch television over your broadband Internet connection  (account required, 
    registration on
9 aur/cbea-sdk (Out of Date) (1)
    Toolchain and libraries for cross-compiling to the Cell Broadband Engine
10 aur/cellsdk 3.1-1 (3)
    SDK for the Cell Broadband Engine Architecture
11 aur/deadbeef-devel-git 20100601-1 (5)
    mp3/ogg/flac/sid/mod/nsf music player based on GTK2. Developer version
12 aur/deadbeef-fb-git 20110609-1 (9)
    File Browser plugin for the Deadbeef Music Player
13 aur/deadbeef-git 20120303-1 (92)
    Music player based on GTK2(GIT branch)
14 aur/deadbeef-infobar 1.0-1 (Out of Date) (5)
    Infobar plugin for DeadBeeF audio player. Shows lyrics and artist's biography for 
    the current track.
15 aur/deadbeef-plugin-bs2b-git 20111206-1 (0)
    headphone crossfeed for deadbeef using libbs2b
16 aur/deadbeef-plugin-fb 20111120-1 (7)
    filebrowser plugin for the deadbeef audio player
17 aur/deadbeef-plugin-jack-git 20111226-1 (1)
    JACK output plugin for DeaDBeeF
18 aur/deadbeef-plugins-infobar-hg 20110525-1 (14)
    Infobar plugin for DeadBeeF audio player. Shows lyrics and artist's biography for 
    the current track. The Mercurial version
19 aur/deadbeef-plugins-mpris 2.1.3-1 (14)
    MPRIS plugin for DeaDBeeF music player
20 aur/deadbeef-plugins-psipublish 1.2-3 (2)
    Plugin for DeaDBeeF to publish tune in Psi/Psi+
21 aur/deadbeef-plugins-vfsrar-git 20120213-1 (0)
    VFS-RAR plugin for deadbeef to read from rar archive
22 aur/deadbeef_gbk 0.4.4-1 (Out of Date) (2)
    An audio player for GNU/Linux based on GTK2 with a GBK supporting patch
23 aur/jack_output_for_deadbeef 0.2-1 (1)
    jack output plugin for DeaDBeeF music player
24 aur/libmbca 0.04-1 (3)
    Mobile broadband configuration assistant library
25 aur/logcat 0.1-1 (4)
    script to highlight adb logcat output for console
26 aur/luadbi 0.5-2 (5)
    Database interface library for Lua
27 aur/madbomber 0.2.5-3 (4)
    A clone of the classic Atari 2600 video game Kaboom
28 aur/mariadb 5.3.3-2 (Out of Date) (34)
    A fast SQL database server branch of MySQL - MariaDB
29 aur/mkwvconf-git 0.1-1 (18)
    Automatically generate a wvdial configuration for mobile broadband devices.
30 aur/mobile-broadband-provider-info-git 20120129-1 (22)
    Mobile broadband provider database.
31 aur/modemmanager-git 20101217-1 (8)
    Mobile broadband modem management service
32 aur/mysql-workbench-mariadb 5.2.35-5 (Out of Date) (1)
    A cross-platform, visual database design tool developed by MySQL
33 aur/opera-adblock 2011.02.23-1 (98)
    Fanboy's AdBlock Filterset for Opera
34 aur/opera-adblock-complete 2011.02.23-2 (242)
    Fanboy's AdBlock Filterset for Opera including Stat/Tracking Filters
35 aur/padb 3.3-1 (1)
    Parallel Application Debugger
36 aur/ppu-binutils 2.20.1-1 (Out of Date) (5)
    GNU toolchain for cross-compiling to Cell Broadband Engine's PPU
37 aur/ppu-binutils-old 2.17.50_32-1 (Out of Date) (0)
    GNU toolchain for cross-compiling to Cell Broadband Engine's PPU
38 aur/ppu-gcc 4.1.1_57.3-1 (Out of Date) (6)
    GNU toolchain for cross-compiling to Cell Broadband Engine's PPU
39 aur/ppu-sysroot f7_2-4 (Out of Date) (6)
    Basic libraries and headers for cross-compiling to Cell Broadband Engine's PPU
40 aur/privoxy-blocklist 0.2-2 (35)
    Script which converts Adblock Plus blocklist to privoxy format.
41 aur/qreadbook (4)
    A small and simple book reader programmed in C++ using the QT toolkit.
42 aur/qtadb 0.8.1-3 (79)
    GUI for Android SDK/ADB, Android phone manager
43 aur/seamonkey-adblock-plus 2.0.3-1 (2)
    Adblock Plus for SeaMonkey
44 aur/spu-binutils 2.17.50_33-1 (2)
    GNU toolchain for cross-compiling to Cell Broadband Engine's SPU
45 aur/spu-gcc 4.1.1_107.5-1 (3)
    GNU toolchain for cross-compiling to Cell Broadband Engine's SPU
46 aur/spu-newlib 1.15.0_82.6-4 (1)
    Standard libraries and headers for cross-compiling to Cell Broadband Engine's SPU
47 aur/spu-newlib-cross 1.15.0_82-3 (1)
    Standard libraries and headers for cross-compiling to Cell Broadband Engine's SPU
48 aur/xtrabackup 1.6.5-1 (7)
    A MySQL non-blocking backup solution for InnoDB and XtraDB (Percona Server) data.
49 aur/zattoo 4.0.5-2 (142)
[user@Acer1420P arch-user]$ yaourt android
1 community/ttf-droid 20110417-2
    A font created by Ascender Corporation for use by the Open Handset Alliance 
    platform, Android.
2 archlinuxfr/mobac 1.9.1-1
    Mobile Atlas Creator (formerly known as TrekBuddy Atlas Creator) is an open source 
    (GPL) program which creates offline atlases for GPS handhelds and cell phone 
    applications like TrekBuddy, AndNav and other Android and WindowsCE based 
3 aur/aafm 20111024-1 (16)
    Android ADB File Manager.
4 aur/abootimg-git 20111008-2 (7)
    A tool to read/write/update android boot images
5 aur/android-1.6 r03-1 (7)
    Platform for Google Android SDK 1.6
6 aur/android-2.1 r03-1 (7)
    Platform for Google Android SDK 2.1
7 aur/android-2.2 r03-2 (38)
    Platform for Google Android SDK
8 aur/android-2.3 r02-2 (55)
    Platform for Google Android SDK
9 aur/android-3.0 r01-1 (Out of Date) (16)
    Platform for Google Android SDK
10 aur/android-3.1 r02-1 (16)
    Platform for Google Android SDK 3.1
11 aur/android-3.2 r01-1 (19)
    Platform for Google Android SDK 3.2
12 aur/android-4.0 r03-3 (28)
    Platform for Google Android SDK
13 aur/android-4.0.3 r02-1 (11)
    Platform for Google Android SDK
14 aur/android-apktool 1.4.3-1 (95)
    a tool for reengineering Android apk files
15 aur/android-armv7a-eabi-system-image-14 4.0_r02-1 (1)
    Android ARM EABI v7a System Image, API-14
16 aur/android-armv7a-eabi-system-image-15 4.0.3_r01-1 (1)
    Android ARM EABI v7a System Image, API-15
17 aur/android-docs 3.2-1 (Out of Date) (15)
    API docs for Google Android SDK
18 aur/android-google-admob-ads-sdk 4.3.1-1 (1)
    Google AdMob Ads SDK
19 aur/android-google-analytics-sdk 1.4.2-1 (1)
    Android Analytics SDK
20 aur/android-google-apis-1.6 r02-2 (2)
    API add-on for Google Android SDK 1.6
21 aur/android-google-apis-10 2.3.3_r02-1 (1)
    Android Google APIs, API-10
22 aur/android-google-apis-11 3.0_r01-1 (1)
    Android Google APIs, API-11
23 aur/android-google-apis-12 3.1_r01-1 (1)
    Android Google APIs, API-12
24 aur/android-google-apis-13 3.2_r01-1 (1)
    Android Google APIs, API-13
25 aur/android-google-apis-14 4.0_r02-1 (1)
    Android Google APIs, API-14
26 aur/android-google-apis-15 4.0.3_r01-1 (1)
    Android Google APIs, API-15
27 aur/android-google-apis-2.3 r02-2 (6)
    API add-on for Google Android SDK 2.3
28 aur/android-google-apis-3 1.5_r03-1 (1)
    Android Google APIs, API-3
29 aur/android-google-apis-4 1.6_r02-1 (1)
    Android Google APIs, API-4
30 aur/android-google-apis-4.0 r02-2 (3)
    API add-on for Google Android SDK 4.0
31 aur/android-google-apis-7 2.1_r01-1 (1)
    Android Google APIs, API-7
32 aur/android-google-apis-8 2.2_r02-1 (1)
    Android Google APIs, API-8
33 aur/android-google-market-apk-expansion r01-1 (1)
    Android Market APK Expansion library
34 aur/android-google-market-billing r01-1 (1)
    Android Market Billing sample code
35 aur/android-google-market-licensing r02-1 (1)
    Android Market Licensing client library
36 aur/android-google-tv-12 3.1_r02-1 (1)
    Android Google TV Addon, API-12
37 aur/android-google-webdriver r02-1 (1)
    Google WebDriver
38 aur/android-ndk r7b-1 (181)
    Android C/C++ developer kit
39 aur/android-ndk-crystax 7-1 (11)
    android C/C++ developer kit with enabled support of C++ exceptions, RTTI and 
    Standard C++ Library
40 aur/android-notifier-desktop 0.5.1-2 (94)
    Multi-platform client for the androd-notifier app.
41 aur/android-platform-10 2.3.3_r02-2 (6)
    Android SDK Platform, API-10
42 aur/android-platform-11 3.0_r02-2 (4)
    Android SDK Platform, API-11
43 aur/android-platform-12 3.1_r03-2 (2)
    Android SDK Platform, API-12
44 aur/android-platform-13 3.2_r01-2 (2)
    Android SDK Platform, API-13
45 aur/android-platform-14 4.0.2_r03-1 (6)
    Android SDK Platform, API-14
46 aur/android-platform-15 4.0.4_r02-1 (3)
    Android SDK Platform, API-15
47 aur/android-platform-2 1.1_r01-2 (2)
    Android SDK Platform, API-2
48 aur/android-platform-3 1.5_r04-2 (3)
    Android SDK Platform, API-3
49 aur/android-platform-4 1.6_r03-2 (2)
    Android SDK Platform, API-4
50 aur/android-platform-5 2.0_r01-2 (3)
    Android SDK Platform, API-5
51 aur/android-platform-6 2.0.1_r01-2 (2)
    Android SDK Platform, API-6
52 aur/android-platform-7 2.1_r03-2 (3)
    Android SDK Platform, API-7
53 aur/android-platform-8 2.2_r03-2 (4)
    Android SDK Platform, API-8
54 aur/android-platform-9 2.3.1_r02-2 (3)
    Android SDK Platform, API-9
55 aur/android-samples-10 2.3.3_r01-2 (5)
    Android SDK Samples, API-10
56 aur/android-samples-11 3.0_r01-2 (2)
    Android SDK Samples, API-11
57 aur/android-samples-12 3.1_r01-2 (2)
    Android SDK Samples, API-12
58 aur/android-samples-13 3.2_r01-2 (2)
    Android SDK Samples, API-13
59 aur/android-samples-14 4.0.2_r02-1 (4)
    Android SDK Samples, API-14
60 aur/android-samples-15 4.0.3_r01-1 (1)
    Android SDK Samples, API-15
61 aur/android-samples-2.2 r01-2 (10)
    samples for Google Android SDK2.2
62 aur/android-samples-2.3 r01-2 (12)
    samples for Google Android SDK2.3
63 aur/android-samples-3.0 r01-2 (9)
    samples for Google Android SDK3.0
64 aur/android-samples-7 2.1_r01-2 (2)
    Android SDK Samples, API-7
65 aur/android-samples-8 2.2_r01-2 (3)
    Android SDK Samples, API-8
66 aur/android-samples-9 2.3_r01-2 (3)
    Android SDK Samples, API-9
67 aur/android-sdk r16-1 (1330)
    Google Android SDK
68 aur/android-sdk-platform-tools r10-2 (560)
    Platform-Tools for Google Android SDK (adb, aapt, aidl, dexdump and dx)
69 aur/android-sources-14 4.0_r01-1 (1)
    Android SDK Sources, API-14
70 aur/android-sources-15 4.0.3_r01-1 (1)
    Android SDK Sources, API-15
71 aur/android-support r06-1 (1)
    Android Support Package
72 aur/android-support-package r06-1 (5)
    The Support Package includes static "support libraries" that you can add to your 
    Android application in order to use APIs that are either not available for older 
    platform versions or that offer "utility" APIs that aren''t a part of the framework 
73 aur/android-system-image-4.0 r01-1 (0)
    System image for Google Android SDK 4.0
74 aur/android-udev 0.9-1 (409)
    Udev rules to connect Android devices to your linux box
75 aur/appinventor 1.1-1 (59)
    A new tool that makes it easy for anyone to create mobile applications for 
    Android-powered devices.
76 aur/bacon 0.20.6-1 (6)
    Tool for downloading CyanogenMod ROMs for Android devices
77 aur/bionic-svn 2011.03.12-5 (1)
    The Android BSD-licenced lightweight Bionic libc, libm and libdl made into a 
    stand-alone lib by the metasploit project
78 aur/db4o 8.0-1 (1)
    Object relational DBMS for Java, JavaFX, and Android.
79 aur/dex2jar (19)
    A tool for converting Android's .dex format to Java's .class format
80 aur/droid-plasmatheme 0.1-1 (62)
    A new, Google Android like, plasma theme
81 aur/droidcam 3.2.1-3 (20)
    A tool for using your android device as a wireless/usb webcam
82 aur/eclipse-android 16.0.1-1 (487)
    Eclipse plugin for android
83 aur/emacs-android-git 20091205-1 (10)
    Emacs minor mode for Android application development
84 aur/emit (3)
    Live streaming of videos from your PC to an Android device.
85 aur/fastboot 20110628-2 (78)
    Fastboot is a command line tool used to flash the filesystem in Android devices from 
    a host via USB
86 aur/gmote-server 2.0.0-2 (105)
    Server for Gmote (Android Remote). Gmote turns your Android phone into a remote 
    control for your computer.
87 aur/gtk2-theme-holo 20120127-3 (17)
    A GTK2 theme from tiheum, the Faenza icon set creator, that mimics Ice Cream 
    Sandwich (Android 4) theme.
88 aur/gtk3-theme-holo 20120127-3 (27)
    A GTK3 theme from tiheum, the Faenza icon set creator, that mimics Ice Cream 
    Sandwich (Android 4) theme.
89 aur/libgooglepinyin 0.1.2-1 (36)
    A fork from google pinyin on android
90 aur/libgooglepinyin-hg 37-1 (15)
    A fork from google pinyin on android
91 aur/meetandroid 3-1 (4)
    A library for connecting an Arduino microcontroller with an Android device via 
92 aur/metacity-theme-holo 20120127-1 (13)
    A Metacity theme from tiheum, the Faenza icon set creator, that mimics Ice Cream 
    Sandwich (Android 4) theme.
93 aur/mobac 1.9.1-1 (Out of Date) (6)
    Mobile Atlas Creator (formerly known as TrekBuddy Atlas Creator) is an open source 
    (GPL) program which creates offline atlases for GPS handhelds and cell phone 
    applications like TrekBuddy, AndNav and other Android and WindowsCE based 
94 aur/openbinder 20051228-1 (0)
    An OS abstraction layer, parent of the Android Binder
95 aur/qtadb 0.8.1-3 (79)
    GUI for Android SDK/ADB, Android phone manager
96 aur/remotedroid-server 1.5-2 (78)
    Turns your Android phone into a wireless keyboard and mouse with touchpad
97 aur/remotelauncherserver-bin 0.2.10-2 (1)
    Remote Launcher is an easy to use tool that enables you to launch applications 
    remotely on your PC via your Android phone. 
98 aur/repo 1.8.0-1 (44)
    The Multiple Git Repository Tool from the Android Open Source Project
99 aur/repo-git 20111115-1 (29)
    The Multiple Git Repository Tool from the Android Open Source Project
100 aur/scim-googlepinyin 20110803-1 (42)
    bring the open source Google pinyin IME for Android to GNU/Linux.
101 aur/smali 1.2.8-1 (Out of Date) (12)
    An assembler/disassembler for Android's dex format
102 aur/system-sounds-android 20110104-1 (42)
    A free system sound package for system events and notifications
103 aur/tegra-devpack 1.0r5-1 (3)
    The Tegra Android Developer Pack, eclipse tools and documentation
104 aur/tegra-toolkit 1.0r4-2 (2)
    The Tegra Android Toolkit, tools, samples and documentation
105 aur/texdro 2.2.0-1 (4)
    send sms from pc with your phone Android!
106 aur/ttf-droid-sans 2.0-1 (19)
    DroidSans is a beautiful font designed by Steve Matteson for the Open Handset 
    Alliance platform, Android.
107 aur/ttf-roboto 20120312-2 (74)
    The new system font of Android 4, Codename "Ice Cream Sandwich".
108 aur/uremotedesktop 1.9.4-1 (1)
    URemoteDesktop Linux Server - Android remote control
so ist es nun verständlich das ich den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht sehe.
Das ist das Archlinux Repository, oder? Wie dem auch sei, die neueste Version sollte eigentlich immer die richtige sein. Dort steht zwar Android 4.0 bei, sollte aber auch funktionieren. Alternati nimmst du die Version die deiner aktuellen Android Version entspricht.

Alternativ kannst du es natürlich auch direkt bei google laden und mit der dort verlinkten Anleitung installieren: Android SDK | Android Developers
  • Danke
Reaktionen: andy@android
so ein Problem gelöst schon tritt das nächste auf
[user@Acer1420P arch-user]$ adb devices
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached 
????????????    no permissions

[user@Acer1420P arch-user]$
jemand ne Idee wie ich jetzt Lese- und Schreibrechte auf das Ding bekomme?

P.S. auch als Root hab ich keine Rechte :(
starte den daemon mal manuell als root:

# ./adb kill-server
# ./adb start-server

Danach bitte nochmal ein adb devices versuchen.
magnummandel schrieb:
starte den daemon mal manuell als root:

# ./adb kill-server
# ./adb start-server

Danach bitte nochmal ein adb devices versuchen.
mmhh nachdem ich das heute Morgen schon 7 mal erfolglos probiert habe, hat es heute Abend funktioniert, Habe auch gleich die gelegenheit genutzt und den Downgrade gemacht, hat auch soweit funktioniert, nur wie geht es weiter? Habe irgendwo gelesen das man eine braucht, finde nur keinen funktionierenden Dowloadlink!

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