- 1.354

Rom-Port vom offiziell unterstützen Galaxy S!
PA BETA 5 - Release "Playful Pitaya"
ROM Features
Complete AOSP Experience
Clean and Responsive Build
Google Default Launcher, Settings, Notification Bar
Google Kitkat Camera, Gallery and Apps
PA Boot Animation and Boot logo
All PA Default Features
(Pie, Hover, App Privacy, Immersive Mode, Quick Settings Edit Mode, Advanced Power Menu, Actionable status bar Date/Time, Quick Settings Pull Down, Quick Settings Dual Tiles,
Maximize Lock screen Widget, Separate Device Encryption, Pie Controls, Lightbulb widget, Peek and many more)
Maximize Lock screen Widget, Separate Device Encryption, Pie Controls, Lightbulb widget, Peek and many more)
Download | Changelog | Infos
PA crespo 4.6 Beta 5
PA Beta 4.6 Build 4
PA Beta 4.6 Build 4 NFC fixed
Gapps (Opengapps "pico") - Empfehlung, da andauernde Updates
Rom Installation
1. "Root" muss vorhanden sein!
2. Eine Custom Recovery ist zwingend notwendig.
4. Ein Backup könnte vielleicht sinnvoll sein.
5. Einen Wipe vornehmen [cache, system, data, dalvik].
6. Flash ROM zip.
7. Flash GApps.
8. Reboot.
9. Your device will explode with new PA rom inside
Rom-porter cshnz
AOSP/Google, Cyanogenmod, Goo, XDA, Krebsmilk, giannisgx89, Liquid,
AOKP, our users, supporters and donators, everyone who's helped us in the past,
heartfelt thanks to all of you!
Bug Tracker
Change Logs
XDA Forum
XDA Thread
Paranoid Android Google+
AOSPA Legacy
Alte Changelogs
4.6 BETA 4 - Release Humble Huckleberry
We had to delay the release a bit this week due to some device specific mishaps that were discovered in the final review stage of the builds. As those issues have been resolved, we are happy to announce a pair of delightful changes.
We are making the edit mode of Quick Settings a bit more unified by getting rid of the split between the standard tiles and the temporary tiles such as the remote display/cast tile and the alarm tile. This means you can now hide those tiles and move them around to reorganize the screen just as you want it to be.
We are adding a new default AOSPA wallpaper. This is going to be most prominent for new users but you, experienced user, might be interested in checking it out as well. It is available as the first item on Google Now Launcher backgrounds list and also visible as a part of the "Backgrounds" app choice in other launchers such as Nova.
Please note: The default wallpaper is a bit special on the system and you might still see the old thumbnail. One way to resolve this is to do a clean flash with a factory reset (wiping of user data). A different, more clean approach is to ask the relevant files to be removed which can be done by either by
a) opening a terminal/command prompt on your computer, connecting your device up to it and running: adb shell su -c 'rm -f /data/data/com.android.wallpapercropper/files/default_thumb.jpg; rm -f /data/data/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/files/default_thumb2.jpg'
b) opening a terminal emulator on your device and running: su -c 'rm -f /data/data/com.android.wallpapercropper/files/default_thumb.jpg; rm -f /data/data/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/files/default_thumb2.jpg'
As usual - have fun and #stayparanoid !
Change log
Make all Quick Settings tiles act similarly in edit mode
- Add a new default AOSPA wallpaper
- Improve speed and stability of the core
- Adapt to the Peek standalone application package name change
We had to delay the release a bit this week due to some device specific mishaps that were discovered in the final review stage of the builds. As those issues have been resolved, we are happy to announce a pair of delightful changes.
We are making the edit mode of Quick Settings a bit more unified by getting rid of the split between the standard tiles and the temporary tiles such as the remote display/cast tile and the alarm tile. This means you can now hide those tiles and move them around to reorganize the screen just as you want it to be.
We are adding a new default AOSPA wallpaper. This is going to be most prominent for new users but you, experienced user, might be interested in checking it out as well. It is available as the first item on Google Now Launcher backgrounds list and also visible as a part of the "Backgrounds" app choice in other launchers such as Nova.
Please note: The default wallpaper is a bit special on the system and you might still see the old thumbnail. One way to resolve this is to do a clean flash with a factory reset (wiping of user data). A different, more clean approach is to ask the relevant files to be removed which can be done by either by
a) opening a terminal/command prompt on your computer, connecting your device up to it and running: adb shell su -c 'rm -f /data/data/com.android.wallpapercropper/files/default_thumb.jpg; rm -f /data/data/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/files/default_thumb2.jpg'
b) opening a terminal emulator on your device and running: su -c 'rm -f /data/data/com.android.wallpapercropper/files/default_thumb.jpg; rm -f /data/data/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/files/default_thumb2.jpg'
As usual - have fun and #stayparanoid !
Change log
Make all Quick Settings tiles act similarly in edit mode
- Add a new default AOSPA wallpaper
- Improve speed and stability of the core
- Adapt to the Peek standalone application package name change
- 23.02.2016: Threaddesign angepasst und Links erneuert.
- 21.10.2014: PA 4.6 BETA 5 Playful Pitaya hinzugefügt.
- 12.10.2014: Thread-Design + PA 4.6 BETA 4 - Humble Huckleyberry.
- 12.10.2014: Threaderstellung.
Ein Hinweis noch in eigener Sache:
Weder ich noch Android-Hilfe übernehmen eine Garantie auf Erfolg oder die Haftung für jegliche Beschädigungen oder verlorene Daten!
Weder ich noch Android-Hilfe übernehmen eine Garantie auf Erfolg oder die Haftung für jegliche Beschädigungen oder verlorene Daten!
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