[ROM][T70x][T80x][5.1.1] *01.11.15* BlissPop by Team Bliss [UNOFFICIAL]

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Team Bliss Website

Herzlich Willkommen zu BlissPop! Der Lollipop Rom von Team Bliss.
BlissPop ist eine der meist veränderbaren Rom´s für dein Gerät!
BlissPop basiert auf CM12, mit vielen Extra´s.
Das Flashen einer Custom ROM geschieht auf eigene Verantwortung!

Team Bliss is a team consisting of developers and device maintainers that work on this project in our spare
time to be able to give Android users a custom rom packed with features that will make a lasting impression.

Team Bliss is pleased to present to you BlissPop Rom!

BlissPop is one of the most highly customizable roms that you can install on your mobile device,
and you will have a truly blissful experience.
BlissPop is CM12 based, with some features added in, and we will continue to update features as they become available.
A huge thanks to GreenogenMod for the source, and all the work and dedication their team puts in to keep us updated.
We will keep up to date with the latest CM code, and updates will be posted on a regular basis.
However, please do not ask for ETA's. We will update the links as soon as they become available.

We will not tolerate any rudeness or anyone being disrespectful in this thread.
We will do our best to answer your questions or concerns as soon as possible.

Personalization Options

Status Bar
-Clock & Date Options
-Option to show seconds in time
-Battery Options (Portrait, Landscape, Circle, Text or Hidden)
-Battery Bar Options
-Traffic Monitor
-Brightness Control
-Notification Count
-Notification Ticker
-Carrier Label Options

Recents Options
-Clear All Button Tweaks
-Option to show Google search bar in recents Menu
-OmniSwitch (Option to replace recents menu with Omniswitch)

Quick Settings
-Quick Pulldown (Left, Right, Off)
-Smart Pulldown

Gesture Anywhere
-Location Options
-Trigger Regions

-Toast Animations
-Listview Animations
-System Animations
-Scrolling Cache
-Scrolling Modifiers

App Circle Bar
-Choose what apps you want to show on the App Circle Bar
-Trigger width, position and height

AudioFX Equalizer

Device Options

-Navigation Bar Buttons & Options (Height & Width)
-Power Button End Call option
-Home Button Options (Wake up device, Answer call, Long Press Action, Double Tap Action)
-Back Button Wake Up Device option
-Menu Button Options (Wake up device, Short Press Action, Long Press Action)
-Backlight Duration

Sound & Notification Options

-Media, Alarm & Ring Volume Options
-Increasing Ring Volume
-Call Vibration
-Interruption Options
-Notification Light Options
-Battery Light Options
-App Notification Options
-Notification Access
-Camera Shutter sound, Screenshot Sound, Safe Headset Volume
-Less Frequent Notifications
-Heads Up Notification with Snooze Timer & Time Out

-Device Control - Allows control of kernel settings & other device options

--Many other settings throughout the rom. Take some time to familiarize yourself with all the blissful options!

BlissPop Source

- video issues as seen with cm12

As you all know, Lollipop is new and there are going to be bugs.
Please bear with us while we work on getting things updated, and all errors fixed.
If you have a major bug to report that has not been reported already, and is not a known issue with CM,
please take the following steps to report it to us. It will save you time, as well as us.

-Download the Catlog app from the Play Store.
There is also a donate version which you can purchase to show appreciation.
-After downloading the Catlog app, go to the app settings, and change the log level to Debug.
-Clear all previous logs and take the exact steps to produce the error you are receiving.
-As soon as you receive the error (probably a force close), go straight into Catlog and stop the log recording.
-Copy and paste the entire log either to Hastebin or Pastebin
-Save the log, and copy and paste the link into the forum with a brief description of the error.
-You can also open trouble tickets on our website for bugs.

The Bliss Team:[/FONT][/SIZE]Thanks to @skyliner33v for the wallpapers & boot animations. @pimpmaneaton, @jackeagle, @nprev420, @remicks, @Deliberate, @xboxfanj @nerdyblonde, @Vortex1969 @pjgraber03, @bracketslash @death2all110

&& Thanks to a ton of other people who have contributed to the source that we used to build the rom!

Device specific credit to real heroes for the Tab S series:
Barracuda77777, eousphoros, nvertigo67, crpalmer and UpInTheAir

PA GApps available here:
PA GApps

Thanks to TKruzze for maintaining PA GApps.


Neue Download Seite :

Team Bliss is not responsible in any way for anything that happens to your device in the process of flashing.

Please familiarize yourself with flashing and custom rom use before attempting to flash the rom.

Bitte stellt sicher das ihr die richtige Version herunterladet.

- ROM / Gapps herunterladen
- Full-Wipe (Cache, Dalvik-Cache, Data, System)
- Flashen der Rom mit Custom-Recovery
- Cache, Dalvik-Cache wipen
- Reboot
-Flashen der Gapps mit Custom Recovery
- Cache, Dalvik-Cache wipen
- Reboot

Original Thread bei XDA :Klick
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: j1gga84
Hallo hiowa93,

zunächst einmal vielen Dank für das Teilen dieser ROM hier bei uns auf Android-Hilfe :)
Habe mir den Thread im xda-Forum angeschaut den ebenfalls du dort erstellt hast.

Bitte passe diesen Beitrag hier noch ein wenig an, also z.B. Screenshots der ROM spoilern, Rechtschreibung überprüfen, überflüssigen Code entfernen (z.B. ganz unten in dem Post -> einfach nochmal den kompletten Post durchgehen und bereinigen, auf den original-Link im XDA-Forum hinweisen und auch Datenanhänge aus dem xda-Forum hier anhängen. Das i-Tüpfelchen wäre, wenn du mal Lust und ganz viel Zeit hast, das Ganze noch in Deutsch zu übersetzen :)

Ansonsten gute Arbeit ;)

  • Danke
Reaktionen: Manu*

Den thread auf xda habe ich nicht erstellt hab jetzt bloß die Berechtigung dafür bekommen, da der original Ersteller keine Zeit mehr hat.
Ja den thread werde ich noch anpassen, war gestern nur ein schnelles Copy&paste.
Auf deutsch überstezen mal sehen ;)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: j1gga84
Neue Update sind draußen, jetzt auf dieser Seite androidrom.de

Auch hier die Frage an dich ob von deiner Seite aus noch etwas kommen wird?
Auf xda schreibst du, dass du auf die Sources für MM wartest, allerdings denke ich nicht, dass das Tab S auf dem offiziellen Weg noch MM erhalten wird.

Hat es doch bekommen

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