Adam Notion Ink Blog

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Das mit dem ReImport kenne ich von meiner Freundin. Deren Firma verkauft auch viel nach Asien und wenn einer bei der Rücksendung (zur Reparatur oder so) das Kreuz an der falschen Stelle macht, können sie auch noch die Steuern dafür bezahlen.
Neues im Blog: Closer to the Blue! Notion Ink

Hello All,
We have been making inroads, and in the right directions. Posted below are some of the changes along with few good feature updates, coming soon to your Adam.

The design is more synchronized, more clean and useful. You will see bunch of new applications along with the Book Promise. The licensing agreements on 2 major areas (flash n book client) took a little longer, but are now on their way.

Master Card is also up (as might have noticed by some people already) since last 5 weeks.

Content. There is one thing which drives every human sub-consciously (assuming necessities like food and shelter are not in the way), and that is Recognition. It is something which forces us to test our limits, take risks, be creative and bold. Ever since computing was accelerated in world war II (when people realized the need of automation when it comes to simple calculation and decisions) our lives have been made easier. And today here we are, a generation with completely different reasons for using computers.

Computers have kept our creative mind engaged, but it has also created a very huge gap between those who can contribute and those who want to. This contribution is fundamentally guided by the programming world. Think about it, the 1980′s is when we saw personal computers on the rise, with the OS as the framework. People realised that they can create a lot of things like applications and embed their idea on these wonderful devices, thus enabling a lot of people, and in a way recognizing their efforts. In 2007 this was again accelerated by the iPhone, again a very big platform for people to create applications, for entertainment, enabling and making lives different. Imagine how satisfying it is for the creators of Angry Birds, that their app is famous, used by the who’s who of today.

But there are people who are interested in these devices, who are brilliant artists in their own fields, but are either not programmers, don’t like to code or don’t think of an application as a necessary platform to work on. However, they all want to see exponential growth, global reach and critical acclaim, looking for deeper, richer and transatlantic groups to learn more, teach more, discuss or evolve ideas together. Our niche interest areas may be different – you could be a photographer, an author, a paleontologist, an astronomer, a poet who wants to be anonymous, an upcoming writer or may be a person who wants to teach simple scientific principles in a very unique way. But where is the platform for all of us to work on and do what we want to do, specially if we want to devote the time we save after committing the rest to social constrains?

This summer Notion Ink is starting a unique (but mostly concealed, though we will open it for a small number of people in different domains who match the criterion set forth by the team) project which will run in-n-around Bangalore area for next 5-6 months. We’re hiring a very large number of contributors from colleges, clubs, various groups and, from diverse fields. The aim of this project is to create a mature “front and back end” system before we open it for the world. Design and develop a scalable model which is optimized for the goal and comprehensive enough to cover a majority of creative domains. We’re be working on the fascinating fields of the natural language processing, relationship extractions, algorithms like YAGO and snow-ball, and the dream behind all our efforts, the BLISS system.

It’s time OS’s move away from static content and embrace the dynamic, ever evolving state.

With Warm Regards
Rohan Shravan
Ich frage mich nur: Was will er mir damit sagen?? :confused2: :huh:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Genau das habe ich mich auch gefragt, als ich den (oder das ??) Post gelesen habe.
Die Screenshots sehen aber echt gut aus :)
Vieles sah gut aus und in der Realität dann nicht mehr
Kommt mir gerade so vor als wäre das Hauptinteresse das wir Kunden haben ein wenig in den Hintergrund getreten und er träumt wieder neue Träume.
Kein Wort vom Support-Forum, kein Wort darüber wie es mit Honeycomb weiter geht.

Nur sinnentleertes Geblubber für mich. Statt hochtrabende Pläne zu verfolgen, sollte er erst mal sehen, dass sein Unternehmen Geräte absetzt und Support liefert.
Das habe ich mir auch gedacht.
Diese Visionen kann er sich in erster Linie für seine Präsentationen bei seinen Geldgebern aufheben. Die stehen bestimmt auf sowas.
Ich will lieber klare Fakten:
- Infos übers neue Update (ChangeLog, Download oder OTA)
- 3G bzw. Phone Idle Aufklärung
- Fortschritte bei der Stabilität und Funktion von Eden UI-Panels
- Honeycomb-Frotschritte
- ...
Klare Fakten sucht man bei Rohan vergeblich -_-

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