- 10.817
Ich habe hier für den einen oder anderen interessanten MOD bei XDA gefunden. Mit dieser gemoddeten Phone.apk werden die Telefongespräche automatisch aufgenommen.
Vielleicht kann es wer brauchen.
Die original Phone.apk kann mit der Datei "update-restore-orig-phone.zip" wiederhergestellt werden.
Der Post für die Control App hier: xda-developers - View Single Post - [MOD] Phone.apk with automatic call recording
Für alle die keinen XDA Account haben habe ich die Dateien angehängt.
Vielleicht kann es wer brauchen.
- Automatic call recording for incoming/outgoing calls
- Added template system for flexible naming of records. No boring VoiceRecord001.amr anymore
(see /sdcard/.rec_template file for template and more info).- Disabled stop recording on some actions related to multi-line calling (i.e Hold, Conference mode, etc)
- Disabled stop recording when Dialer minimized to background
Autorecord can be turned off:
- For incoming calls - create a file /sdcard/.norec_in
- For outgoing calls - create a file /sdcard/.norec_out
Note: Instead of manual actions, all can be configured using Automatic Call Recording Control app from Dark3n.
-Turn call recording on/off for incoming/outgoing calls.
-Change file naming pattern for recorded calls.
-View .rec_template file
-Optional Prompt to delete recording after Call
All records are save in /sdcard/Sounds/CallRecords/. You can use stock "Voice Recorder" app to playback.
System requirements: Tested on SGS GT-i9000 (XWJS3). Most likely should work on any 2.2.1 FW.
Probably will not work on 2.2 FW's.
[*] Flash using CWM or Recovery 2e.
During update process, script will backup your original Phone.apk and related files to /sdcard/tmp/phone_bkp
To roll it back, flash update_restore-orig-phone.zip file
Version 0.2a:
Version 0.2:
- Issue with filepath creation was finally solved.
Version n/a: initial release
- Forced sdcard/Sounds/CallRecords/ creation (if you've got "Fail Recording" it should fix it)
- Some works on BT-recording. Need more reports.
Die original Phone.apk kann mit der Datei "update-restore-orig-phone.zip" wiederhergestellt werden.
Der Post für die Control App hier: xda-developers - View Single Post - [MOD] Phone.apk with automatic call recording
Für alle die keinen XDA Account haben habe ich die Dateien angehängt.