Hen Ry
- 1.668

davidteri91 -> XDA
Demo Video
Versionen | Probleme | Bemerkung
crdroid-5.0.2-20150309-honami.zip Mirror | Original Theme verwenden, sonst gibt es ein Problem mit der systemUI!!!
crdroid-5.0.2-20150303-honami.zip Mirror
crdroid-5.0.2-20150223-honami.zip Mirror
crdroid-5.0.2-20150216-honami.zip Mirror
crdroid-5.0.2-20150211-honami.zip Mirror
crdroid-5.0.2-20150210-honami.zip Mirror | Bug
crdroid-5.0.2-20150116-honami.zip | Bugfix: Camera Button Shot, Works: Everything! (Kamera, Torch, Mic, etc.) |@Aaskereija Bugs: freezes from time to time, die Google Kamera funktioniert
crdroid-5.0.2-20150115-honami.zip | Bug Camera
crdroid-5.0.2-20150111-honami.zip | Bug Camera
crdroid-5.0.2-20150107-honami.zip | Bug Camera
crdroid-5.0.2-20150103-honami.zip | Bug: Camera, Wifi(CM)|Tip: WIFI PROBLEM -> Just Copy all the files in "/etc/firmware/waln/prima" to "/data/misc/wifi/prima" and Reboot.
crdroid-5.0.1-20141218-honami.zip | Bugs: Kamera, Bug Fixes: Mic, Max Helligkeit (255 bis 4095)|Läuft sehr flüssig, ruckeln beim scrollen kann ich auch nicht mehr feststellen. Vorher bei Tapatalk, Facebook, etc. hatte ich es immer.
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Changelog: Versionen vom 24.01. - 02.02.2015
* android/
bfbc937 Add OpenSSH
* build/
1b4608f Build: Changelog (3/3)
34817c0 build: Add support for Kurdish
* device/sony/msm8974-common/
12d41b1 Add SELinux policy for taimport
bf9b1d6 sepolicy: Let thermanager r/w sysfs_usb_supply files
* device/sony/qcom-common/
8f3ff8c Remove deprecated changelog flag
* device/sony/rhine-common/
6b4922f init: Add a service for taimport
* external/openssh/
b82300f Fix building on arm64
* frameworks/av/
e045dbd nuplayer: Fix the "Fix CTS issues in NuPlayer"
* frameworks/base/
5914de3 frameworks: implement system-wide Torch service
db3a09c QS: fix random missing tiles when leaving detailed view
b1e66d1 QS: reduce TILE_ASPECT when using 4 tiles per row
9c48b04 QS: add Sync tile (1/2)
4ff2040 QS: Option to show four tiles per row (1/2)
5e6f166 Remove pointless notification drawer network info label in MSIM mode.
41e01c3 Revert "SystemUI: Add task manager"
863a2a4 Themes: Let garbage collector free up native instances
8866a2d SystemUI: fix unpinning locked apps
6a65fcd SystemUI: code clean up and reformat
2528f16 Keyguard: Move CAF string
ac81078 core: Add support for Kurdish
* packages/apps/Settings/
7207c18 Fix SeekbarPreference padding
8f55964 QS: add Screenshot & Sync tile (2/2)
6a65345 QS: Option to show four tiles per row (2/2)
ee360ca Profiles: check if device supports connection before reading values.
8c54bd6 Settings: msim - update dialogs
5eff552 Settings: Changelog (1/3)
38d60ff Move & improve CAF strings
* system/core/
b62d90c Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
* vendor/crdroid/
8b3cbf9 crDroid: add torch service sepolicy entry
5fab94e Vendor: Changelog (2/3)
* android/
e4fd949 Add whisperpush.
* device/sony/msm8974-common/
067950e lights: Fix RGB notification LED blinking
* device/sony/rhine-common/
56cc13f rhine: remove unneeded dalvik definition
* frameworks/base/
7ff4d2d Make people lookup default overlay
adc962c Ignore certain overlaid sms-sending packages [1/2]
58ca0d5 Revert "[ActivityManager] Improve task order of getRunningTasks."
84bbdab Revert "Revert "[ActivityManager] Set appropriate relation of task to home""
e420e4c Base: AdBlocker [1/3]
b231231 SystemUI: add left and right virtual buttons while typing
8231ca4 Add SMS Middleware layer.
4703a47 SystemUI: Visualizer tile improvements
3ef4960 base: Add theme support to Ringtone and Profile pickers activities
1d88ff4 Revert "[ActivityManager] Set appropriate relation of task to home"
57138f3 SystemUI : NavigationBar Customization
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
5fddf7c Generate transaction Ids for RetrieveConf - This is required to be able to backup and restore received MMS
a615da7 Ignore certain sms-sending packages [2/2]
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/
8159c34 audio: implement backend platform parser
3881734 audio: add fm playback to usecase map
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
3191a91 DeskClock: add playlist CN translation
* packages/apps/Mms/
013ee26 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
4fa8c38 Mms: Adding backup MMS feature with existing backup SMS
* packages/apps/Settings/
8739489 Inform user that vol wake up overrides playback controls
eb4ac62 Add some dependencies in navbar settings
fbaf05c Settings: Brings SuperUser permission due to AdBlocker feature
c002664 Settings: AdBlocker [2/3]
b8cc09b Skip Misc/Overcounted battery stats in builds
a4d89aa Settings: Fix inflate exception on search. Dynamically replace nested fragment.
f23d0ba Settings: Clarify where weather status appears.
6a8f704 Settings: add navigation bar arrow keys toggle
bb76e40 Settings: Re-add whisperpush settings.
2cf5d2c Settings : Add back navigation bar customization.
* packages/providers/MediaProvider/
ca50428 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
* vendor/crdroid/
867a3d0 Vendor: Sepolicy: Allow AdBlocker perform su shell commands
dd8f08e Vendor: AdBlocker [3/3]
* vendor/sony/
9c62128 honami,amami: Update touchscreen firmware
* external/bluetooth/bluedroid/
5e78adc bluedroid: Fix warning caused by commit f9f2dbcca4263188df5efe28b1a5bcb0ce906b6f
* frameworks/base/
74ba7b7 SystemUI : Add screen timeout tile
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/
0072fbf audio: implement additional platform info xml tags
5f8e880 audio: Extend platform parser to allow device name aliasing
* kernel/sony/msm8974/
fe26bf5 rhine defconfigs: enable MultiRom Support
edb0cd8 clearpad: Update multi-touch protocol
3874957 msm8974: Implement kexec-hardboot
873486d leds-qpnp: Increase RGB LED brightness
d588305 leds-qpnp: change WLED switch frequency mask
80a24ba leds-qpnp: Import Sony's changes for RGB LED control
3716596 Revert "leds: leds-qpnp: Use Sony's driver"
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
5658fd5 DeskClock: consolidate Alarm picker to one dialog
* packages/apps/Mms/
f189220 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
72d96cb Mms: Use tel mimetype for call button on notification
b919b51 Mms: Improve ui for sms compose with chips
2433bfe Fix a ui bugs where an overrided layout shows white on white
6ed572f Mms: fix quickmessage "white on white" text
* packages/apps/Settings/
c9959a6 Expose hardcoded and @Android colors from layouts
8dc633e Settings: Add new gesture vector drawable.
e3981b2 Settings : Add screen timeout
* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
c1bd515 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
edbea0a DynamicGrid: tuning the icon size for some device
b5f816d Make workspace during preview larger
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
23324b8 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
* packages/providers/MediaProvider/
0714ad9 mediaprovider: Add theme support to Ringtone activity
* system/core/
4169faa Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
* vendor/crdroid/
54600dc Add Luxembourgish spellchecking dictionary
* android/
85fd731 Remove VoiceDialer from manifest
* build/
71c1633 build: Remove OpenWnn IME from target config
8400a92 build: Add support for Luxembourgish
c917697 build: Add support for Asturian
* device/sony/honami/
eeef898 honami: update init.sony.usb.rc
554aeee honami: add tftype4 lib and re-order proprietary-files
65e4f4b dependencies: track our own sony blobs
* frameworks/base/
f8bfdf3 [1/2] Frameworks: Doze (ambient display) timeout
b1cc7fa SlimSeekBarPreference: clean up a wee bit
c525068 Fix bad exclude region in landscape
6936b23 Avoid overwriting EGL14.EGL_NO_SURFACE
7b4fdd4 [ActivityManager] Fix activity always visible.
4490a36 Prevent system server dump stuck by pipe buffer full.
b642a4d [ActivityManager] Distinguish FG or BG receiver finished
37cc19e [ActivityManager] Fix process record leakage.
f30df1f [ActivityManager] Prevent application holding AMS lock
8f61325 [ActivityManager] Set appropriate relation of task to home
e0ef382 [ActivityManager] Fix adjust to wrong focused stack
dea10d6 [AppOps] Fix lost op state when upgrading to L.
8577d6b Avoid deadlock between ActivityManagerService and ProcessStatsService.
034b58c [ActivityManager] Reduce report wrong anr activity
dc5e14d [ActivityManager] Avoid orphan ContentProviderRecord.
2e5a51d [ActivityManager] Fix index out of bounds when updating next pss time.
aa4c559 [ActivityManager] Improve task order of getRunningTasks.
ab2761c [ActivityManager] Ensure provider external access count will be released.
7a1b131 Don't enable screen until keyguard is ready
c5097fb Correct the bitmap copy to preserve already drawn area
c6967e6 Fix for half blank screen during App resume
7a051bb Prevent calling GL functions with an invalid surface
158e963 Fast loadInverse() implementation for the common case
31e1bbd [HWUI] fix texture cache can't be removed for recycled bitmap
9ef769c Base: add more drawables to Slim LockScreen Shortcuts (2/2)
f13306f SystemUI: clean up Location tile
* frameworks/native/
e0d7c63 Fix for corruption when numFds or numInts is too large.
3250a13 Surface: Ensure synchronisation of copyBlt
e7e6006 Surface: Always consume fence fd in queueBuffer
* frameworks/opt/chips/
9677961 Chips: Add more logic to dismiss selection dialog
* kernel/sony/msm8974/
544c9e9 rhine defconfigs: enable BFQ scheduler
c2626e9 block: Switch from BFQ-v7r6 for 3.4.0 to BFQ-v7r7 for 3.4.0
019052b block: Switch from BFQ-v7r5 for 3.4.0 to BFQ-v7r6 for 3.4.0
8eb7e7e block: introduce the BFQ-v7r5 I/O sched for 3.4
3a8d6ff rhine defconfigs: enable simple GPU algorithm (by faux)
d6cba68 rhine defconfigs: enable intelliplug (by faux)
6b22376 rhine defconfigs: enable powersuspend (by faux)
b659705 Simple GPU Algorithm: Initial coding for devfreq based Adreno Drivers
6ef5660 intelli_plug: intelligent hotplug cpu driver with eco mode
8c91ff7 powersuspend: new PM kernel driver for Android w/o early_suspend
7e6ab70 rhine defconfigs: enable exFAT
6938219 fs: Introduce exFAT 1.2.9
e134db2 rhine defconfigs: enabled KCAL support (by savoca)
862fff5 msm: mdss: Add KCAL support for rgb/lut control
60e5379 rhine defconfigs: enable intellidemand governor (by faux)
f535379 cpufreq: Add latest version of intellidemand gov
bb22d3b rhine defconfigs: enabled Sound Control (by Faux)
fed43bf Sound Control: add line gain to cached and register lock
12a48f4 Sound Control: separate locking mechanism for recording and playback
cbdbcdc Sound Control: let register lock be dependent on different hw revisions
2ef2d8a Sound Control: Misc clean up for newer WCD9xxx SOCs
099dff2 Sound Control: expose direct register manipulations to userspace
2c97336 sound control: add register cache
fcdb543 Sound Control: (OPTIONAL) add power amp registers access control as well
eef469c Sound Control: (Optional) work around for Nexus 4/5 audio issues
ac801c6 sound control: WCD9320: update speaker gain control for Z1
dc59c50 sound control 3.x: Initial GPL release for WCD9320 Audio Codec
c362ce0 Sound Control: WCD9320: expose additional controls
9367b03 rhine defconfigs: enable SIO & FIOPS I/O Schedulers
fe55cae crDroid Kernel: prepare sony devices to official builds
421620f Add SIO I/O scheduler (msm8974 devices)
3399a3a Squash fiops commits (msm8974 devices)
* packages/apps/Settings/
fa981ee [2/2] Settings: Doze (ambient display) timeout
cdbae2a Settings: add more drawables to Slim LockScreen Shortcuts (1/2)
3f0cd96 Settings: Fix off-by-one SectionIndexer in PrivacyGuard.
201705b Settings: Fix off-by-one SectionIndexer in Expanded Desktop.
ac590a8 DeviceInfo: correctly grab the processor info from /proc/cpuinfo
61d9d5d DeviceInfo: remove unused variable in getMemInfo()
* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
feb1890 Update notification icon to new paint bucket
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
b9d2fd1 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of CyanogenMod/android_packages_inputmethods_LatinIME · GitHub into cm-12.0
* system/core/
13d53a4 fs_mgr: Allow ext2/3/4 to mount as ext4
81e53f9 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of CyanogenMod/android_system_core · GitHub into cm-12.0
b08cf09 android_reboot: execute recovery pre command while rw mounted
* vendor/crdroid/
4d738ad Remove TMobile themes permission
00eebb3 Don't build VoiceDialer
fef13e3 Remove deprecated VideoEditor packages
df6eaf6 Tap & Pay - Give 'learn more' a URL
43201cf apn: Changes for LT apn's
f4daf7d vendor:cm: Australian English dictionary
* vendor/sony/
4940ed5 pollux_windy: revive rmt_storage
54f1f0f rhine-common: update venus firmware, fix youtube
5db07d7 honami: add tftype4.so lib
250f04d amami: add tftype4.so lib
a7690ed tianchi: Add fm_qsoc_patches binary
3777233 eagle: Add fm_qsoc_patches binary for FM radio
e362f9f 8226: Regenerate makefiles
22e47ad 8226: Import AOSP blobs
75927ee fusion3: update wcnss cfg from 3.2.7-x
2a537c9 fusion3: add drm blobs
e613696 tsubasa: update libqc-opt.so for L
748143a 8974: Use Sony 4.4 venus firmware
b9694f0 shinano: Add mlog_qmi_service
85d6d63 fusion3: add keymaster firmware
d0d0c10 shinano: keylayout: Move to common
862dafa rhine: keylayout: Move to common
* android/
85fd731 Remove VoiceDialer from manifest
* build/
8400a92 build: Add support for Luxembourgish
c917697 build: Add support for Asturian
* device/sony/honami/
eeef898 honami: update init.sony.usb.rc
554aeee honami: add tftype4 lib and re-order proprietary-files
65e4f4b dependencies: track our own sony blobs
* frameworks/base/
f13306f SystemUI: clean up Location tile
51e1e04 Themes: properly dispatch calls to all connected listeners
9f855fa core: Add support for Luxembourgish
25fd6fa core: Add support for Asturian
* kernel/sony/msm8974/
8d55e49 rhine defconfigs: enable MultiRom Support
d44fada clearpad: Update multi-touch protocol
9b14d1a msm8974: Implement kexec-hardboot
544c9e9 rhine defconfigs: enable BFQ scheduler
c2626e9 block: Switch from BFQ-v7r6 for 3.4.0 to BFQ-v7r7 for 3.4.0
019052b block: Switch from BFQ-v7r5 for 3.4.0 to BFQ-v7r6 for 3.4.0
8eb7e7e block: introduce the BFQ-v7r5 I/O sched for 3.4
3a8d6ff rhine defconfigs: enable simple GPU algorithm (by faux)
d6cba68 rhine defconfigs: enable intelliplug (by faux)
6b22376 rhine defconfigs: enable powersuspend (by faux)
b659705 Simple GPU Algorithm: Initial coding for devfreq based Adreno Drivers
6ef5660 intelli_plug: intelligent hotplug cpu driver with eco mode
8c91ff7 powersuspend: new PM kernel driver for Android w/o early_suspend
7e6ab70 rhine defconfigs: enable exFAT
6938219 fs: Introduce exFAT 1.2.9
e134db2 rhine defconfigs: enabled KCAL support (by savoca)
862fff5 msm: mdss: Add KCAL support for rgb/lut control
60e5379 rhine defconfigs: enable intellidemand governor (by faux)
f535379 cpufreq: Add latest version of intellidemand gov
bb22d3b rhine defconfigs: enabled Sound Control (by Faux)
fed43bf Sound Control: add line gain to cached and register lock
12a48f4 Sound Control: separate locking mechanism for recording and playback
cbdbcdc Sound Control: let register lock be dependent on different hw revisions
2ef2d8a Sound Control: Misc clean up for newer WCD9xxx SOCs
099dff2 Sound Control: expose direct register manipulations to userspace
2c97336 sound control: add register cache
fcdb543 Sound Control: (OPTIONAL) add power amp registers access control as well
eef469c Sound Control: (Optional) work around for Nexus 4/5 audio issues
ac801c6 sound control: WCD9320: update speaker gain control for Z1
dc59c50 sound control 3.x: Initial GPL release for WCD9320 Audio Codec
c362ce0 Sound Control: WCD9320: expose additional controls
9367b03 rhine defconfigs: enable SIO & FIOPS I/O Schedulers
fe55cae crDroid Kernel: prepare sony devices to official builds
421620f Add SIO I/O scheduler (msm8974 devices)
3399a3a Squash fiops commits (msm8974 devices)
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
cdb7c09 Add chinese translations
* packages/apps/Settings/
3f0cd96 Settings: Fix off-by-one SectionIndexer in PrivacyGuard.
201705b Settings: Fix off-by-one SectionIndexer in Expanded Desktop.
ac590a8 DeviceInfo: correctly grab the processor info from /proc/cpuinfo
61d9d5d DeviceInfo: remove unused variable in getMemInfo()
b237fcc Settings: Only save settings on destroy if we're user configurable.
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
b9d2fd1 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of CyanogenMod/android_packages_inputmethods_LatinIME · GitHub into cm-12.0
dd0eaab LatinIME: Add support for Australian English
* system/core/
cccbc03 Fix PowerHAL cpufreq permissions
81e53f9 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of CyanogenMod/android_system_core · GitHub into cm-12.0
b08cf09 android_reboot: execute recovery pre command while rw mounted
* vendor/crdroid/
4d738ad Remove TMobile themes permission
00eebb3 Don't build VoiceDialer
fef13e3 Remove deprecated VideoEditor packages
df6eaf6 Tap & Pay - Give 'learn more' a URL
43201cf apn: Changes for LT apn's
f4daf7d vendor:cm: Australian English dictionary
* vendor/sony/
115dc47 Merge commit '8d95011013090cb37d04259f6bcebdaa7f05099b' into cm-12.0
8d95011 Merge pull request #94 from xkonni/cm-12.0
4ba12d4 Merge pull request #95 from vware/cm-12.0
536ee5a pollux_windy: revive rmt_storage
ff4d3d5 rhine-common: update venus firmware, fix youtube
* bootable/recovery/
1fc30d3 recovery: fix another misspelling of "file_blocks" as "block_size"
* external/icu/
dc29137 Updated ICU stub data file
cec6820 icu: Add Luxembourgish ICU files
8384da6 icu: Add Asturian ICU files
* frameworks/base/
f1d74c7 SystemUI: Lte -> LTE.
1b74208 SystemUI: add AudioFX/visualizer tile
b6f9b0a Privacy guard: option to disable notification (1/2)
9a7279e SystemUI: Create LteTile
e362979 PowerWidget: Re-enable LTE button.
3054d94 Telephony: Add getLteOnGsmMode() method (1/2)
f959390 Framework: Fix typos in audio files includes
c485d17 Fix layout of MultiWaveView and GlowPadView.
15e79d5 More cleanup on QS tiles
* frameworks/native/
ebbdb55 Revert "SurfaceFlinger: Make secure display ifdefs more narrow."
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
549c941 Telephony: Add getLteOnGsmMode() method (2/2)
* hardware/libhardware_legacy/
f7d1831 wifi: add semco for Samsung BCM43569
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/apq8084/
f679e33 hwc: Add secure display attribute
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
98459f8 CMFileManager: Hide cmcc "easy mode" behind overlay config.
b2f362f CM File Manager - Enable Thumbnail previews by default
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
dd23823 InCallUI: Improve CAF strings
* packages/apps/Mms/
0fd0831 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
* packages/apps/Settings/
c1bb4ca Settings: Lte -> LTE.
1290572 Settings: add AudioFX tile
b5b2fe2 Privacy guard: option to disable notification (2/2)
6b5f346 Settings: Add LteTile.
3bd4e31 Settings : Sort QSTiles in picker
9d60405 Settings: Update the notification drawer icon again
* packages/services/Telephony/
883b4b2 MSIM Network Settings update
bc54a49 toggleLTE: switch to Global mode on devices that default to it
e125cb9 Implement toggleLte
564d6ff Phone: Enable LTE for GSM LTE phones (part I)
* system/core/
aa8db43 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
* vendor/crdroid/
db88606 Update Cellcom Israel
ea3d16d apn: New Tuenti (Spain) APN.
* android/
c96184c manifest: Fix qemu-kernel clone depth
* build/
d8520df build: fix ccache preprocessor errors for clang
6581e8b repopick: Catch errors on url load failure
* device/sony/rhine-common/
4774f78 use opensource healthd
* external/bluetooth/bluedroid/
4aad8dc bluedroid: Fix CAF commit 25c965cdcd99f1e495284802785cfb104b19b05c
* frameworks/av/
a6ab7f8 Fix id3 parser crash
1d44178 Fix bugs don't remove track of DirectOutputThread
3ed4ff8 Fix bugs regarding looping play issue with sharedBuffer
0b97100 stagefright: add Samsung S3D support
* frameworks/base/
1156d3c fix error in build after commit 8144d9b0f3a48aab43933e9d83e34a766b0265c7
84ca273 Themes: Check common resource paths at java layer
381cb7d Themes: Allow setting a default theme
f3cab50 Themes: Watch all app crashes for problematic themes
8144d9b Move non-AOSP symbols to cm_symbols.xml
875e3f2 Ringtones: Remove the old ones with same name so material is used
73a438d Fix build error after 3f73f5d724f5e58f2280711c478bd4e476fe0ef5
5e4517e QS: some corrections on location tile code (1/2)
7426781 lowmemorykiller: Overwrite LMK parameters for low-tier devices
0e27bac Themes: System theme should clear wallpaper
7eb9495 SettingsProvider: add default overlay entry for SEND_ACTION_APP_ERROR
a78ba7d Restore ProfileGroup notification override functionality
79f647b SystemUI: unbreak accesibility longpress Overview to unpin
734f6f6 Include material ringtones and notification sounds
3aa9bbf Stop thread before deleting object reference
* hardware/ril/
a28b67c rild: enable tombstone on RIL crash
* hardware/ril-caf/
e43a8f1 rild: enable tombstone on RIL crash
* kernel/sony/msm8974/
67af108 dts: disable backlight segments on leo and aries
38c848d charger: Hack to set androidboot.mode=charger
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
9b33598 Handle change from boolean to int preference
* packages/apps/Dialer/
1cb922d Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
* packages/apps/Mms/
f0d411a Set notification color.
* packages/apps/OmniSwitch/
fe68c2e Merge remote-tracking branch 'omnirom/android-5.0' into HEAD
* packages/apps/Settings/
c96009f Properly name string resources.
8b03ad2 Settings: Fix build error after 70f60fa685b1eae960fe3bb25cc85bef9361e288
fe40f49 Settings:Fix Settings BT UI no return arrow
5932c6d Bluetooth: Add PBAP Profile to preference list in special case
199116c Bluetooth: Add Manifest configure to fix settings crash issue.
17a46af QS: some corrections on location tile code (2/2)
f1fec95 Settings : Add hooks for device specific features
48d93ab Settings: Update voice wakeup icon
2729081 appops: Load the app list asynchronously
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
e1c1cb2 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
* system/core/
74b61dd healthd: remove useless gotos in set_backlight_on
460de8c Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
e978018 healthd: fix LED color on 100%
210b74a healthd: more descriptive LED path opening error message
9942c54 healthd: remove useless goto in charger mode
4c9f63e Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
* vendor/crdroid/
ff5761b added some devices
9a156d9 sepolicy: Let drmserver scan themes
41d7477 sepolicy: Fix policy for keyhandler
e533614 Add Movistar APN
* vendor/sony/
827a68f honami: add tftype4.so lib
0ee7583 amami: add tftype4.so lib
* android/
2ffb86e manifest: Add APQ8064 HAL repositories
* bootable/recovery/
769d5f0 recovery: autodetect filesystem type
* build/
fbdae9f releasetools: Add radio images to fastboot packages
* device/sony/msm8974-common/
c6d3bf5 msm8974: remove dependencies
* device/sony/qcom-common/
959eb1b qcom-common: disable DOZE feature by default user can enable it if they want it
098e404 qcom-common: remove dependencies
6f5f082 common: set generator changelog flag
2c14383 CameraWrapper: (revised) add support for metering mode
* external/bluetooth/bluedroid/
d5202ba Fixes BLE remote device address type after LE connection
* external/ffmpeg/
4f1bd57 Clean up some build-time warnings
* frameworks/av/
6195593 nuplayer: Add cached lookup of track duration
918ae2c audio: Support for compress offload recovery
644eec2 Revert "Track volume should be maintained even if track is restored."
* frameworks/base/
cca426e Add config_hasRemovableLid
ba2b48f Telecomm: Fix typo in toString call
4c8b278 SystemUI: don't use hardcoded textSize in LocationTile
786eb0e QSTiles: use own profile drawables instead cm's
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
95413a7 DcTracker: Handle null waitingApns properly
* packages/apps/Browser/
e0fa5dd User agent as advanced setting
* packages/apps/Calculator/
69d885e Calculator: Add missing hdpi drawable
* packages/apps/Dialer/
bbcc7c5 Fix animation glitch
* packages/apps/Settings/
7456814 [Lockscreen shortcuts] centralize all option in our custom settings
4b0b0f1 Settings: Tint Black drawables
09f845b Settings: add Bacon to devices and maintainers
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
227f0b7 LatinIME: fix action bar theme issue
* packages/services/Telecomm/
e945528 Add back phone notification LED settings backend (1/2)
680b920 Telecom: Don't connect bluetooth audio when incoming call is answered.
* packages/services/Telephony/
db645e1 Add back phone notification LED settings backend (2/2)
* system/extras/
f0f66cd mkimage for OMAP
* vendor/crdroid/
0083a5b sepolicy: Allow cmupdater/uncrypt access to media_rw_data_file
* vendor/sony/
6ea9794 Merge pull request #92 from galaxyfreak/cm-12.0
66a8c3f tianchi: Add fm_qsoc_patches binary
d8c5456 eagle: Add fm_qsoc_patches binary for FM radio
* android/
ae7a8e7 Manifest: add crDroidOTA but disabled for now
* bootable/recovery/
ed08fea mtdutils: Fix mounting partitions by-name
66c8cfd recovery: Fix a couple bugs in sideload cache logic
* build/
7fde7d3 Don't ship VoiceDialer
* device/sony/honami/
1a07224 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
ac77803 honami: crDroid'fy
40621dd honami: Remove torch overlay and now obsolete cwm prop
* device/sony/msm8974-common/
2958697 msm8974: remove Bionic Optimizations flag
* device/sony/qcom-common/
2bf1420 CameraWrapper: add support for metering mode
05e70c1 qcom-common: add bionic optimization
* external/f2fs-tools/
df3f665 Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/master' into cm-12.0
* external/strace/
c478edc Build a static strace utility
* frameworks/base/
0f1b72c SystemUI: port lock screen toggle tile
b35d1f1 SystemUI: animate state in Performance profile
af57276 Themes: Update LoadedApk resources.
85fba6f Themes: Don't add common assets if files cannot be accessed
1820d26 SystemUI: port compass tile to cm-12.0
d28de36 SystemUI: add NFC tile
05e443b SystemUI : Add missing assets for AdbTile
7d827ea SystemUI : Add adb over network tile
92f935c SystemUI: port performance profile toggle
470269e SystemUI: add Profiles tile
f92c31d SystemUI : Add QSDetailItems
a4d1a2b WindowManagerService: Fix On-Screen keyboard popups when hw-keyboard is present
4e49189 SystemUI : Move shortcut helper instantiation before updateVisibility
912e710 SystemUI: StatusBar: completely unbreak MSIM bar
b49d0b2 Cleanup & optimization.
* frameworks/native/
a358363 Fix for landscape thumbnail images on GLES11RenderEngine
741a356 libgui: add support for Samsung external gralloc usecases
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
5ef2da5 msm8974 hal: Remove platform and baseband check for CSD init.
* kernel/sony/msm8974/
8d81c63 arm: configs: Seagull: Fix defconfig for sensors enable
912bfde arm: dts: Eagle: Fix i2c properties and enable QUP2
c283d08 msm: Add somc,panel-pwron-reset property to DT and use it.
b2442b9 arm: configs: Seagull: Enable sensors in defconfig
534d895 arm: dts: Seagull: Fix i2c properties and enable QUP2
5749c6c drivers: pn547: Fix pn544 support
491de7d arm: msm: Yukon: Fix NFC clock mess.
c215363 ASoC: msm: msm8226: Port Seagull audio changes (amp and hp detection)
297a721 yukon: update defconfig for NFC
a2d53c2 nfc: add back the missing NFC clock
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
13be85a CM File Manager : Change Document search to include TEXT mime types
* packages/apps/Calendar/
e1b2003 Calendar: Add some simplified chinese translations
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
5aabc8f DeskClock: add CN translations
* packages/apps/Mms/
9a0a37a Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
0fe0506 Mms : Add the ability to attach Calendar Events
* packages/apps/Settings/
bd63abc Settings: add newly added toggles
b580e63 Settings: Move expanded desktop setting up.
4a1fddd Settings: Update notification drawer drawable
43914f1 Settings: IT Translations
05c7c17 Settings: IT Translations
4504d6b Update cr_strings.xml
337eead Settings: IT Translations
186f81f Settings : Add adb over network tile
4c02ea1 Settings: Add crDroidOTA
f76ab5d Cleanup.
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
d8da252 Fix isPresentableTheme() logic
* vendor/crdroid/
eccd082 Added APN for Claro (Costa Rica)
2eee828 Vendor: Build OTA Package
* vendor/sony/
4fa892f 8226: Regenerate makefiles
6fdea59 8226: Import AOSP blobs
ee1e1ea Merge pull request #91 from vware/wcnss
e4bce65 fusion3: update wcnss cfg from 3.2.7-x
76b9bbf Merge pull request #90 from vware/cm-12.0
* android/
bfbc937 Add OpenSSH
* build/
1b4608f Build: Changelog (3/3)
34817c0 build: Add support for Kurdish
* device/sony/msm8974-common/
12d41b1 Add SELinux policy for taimport
bf9b1d6 sepolicy: Let thermanager r/w sysfs_usb_supply files
* device/sony/qcom-common/
8f3ff8c Remove deprecated changelog flag
* device/sony/rhine-common/
6b4922f init: Add a service for taimport
* external/openssh/
b82300f Fix building on arm64
* frameworks/av/
e045dbd nuplayer: Fix the "Fix CTS issues in NuPlayer"
* frameworks/base/
5914de3 frameworks: implement system-wide Torch service
db3a09c QS: fix random missing tiles when leaving detailed view
b1e66d1 QS: reduce TILE_ASPECT when using 4 tiles per row
9c48b04 QS: add Sync tile (1/2)
4ff2040 QS: Option to show four tiles per row (1/2)
5e6f166 Remove pointless notification drawer network info label in MSIM mode.
41e01c3 Revert "SystemUI: Add task manager"
863a2a4 Themes: Let garbage collector free up native instances
8866a2d SystemUI: fix unpinning locked apps
6a65fcd SystemUI: code clean up and reformat
2528f16 Keyguard: Move CAF string
ac81078 core: Add support for Kurdish
* packages/apps/Settings/
7207c18 Fix SeekbarPreference padding
8f55964 QS: add Screenshot & Sync tile (2/2)
6a65345 QS: Option to show four tiles per row (2/2)
ee360ca Profiles: check if device supports connection before reading values.
8c54bd6 Settings: msim - update dialogs
5eff552 Settings: Changelog (1/3)
38d60ff Move & improve CAF strings
* system/core/
b62d90c Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
* vendor/crdroid/
8b3cbf9 crDroid: add torch service sepolicy entry
5fab94e Vendor: Changelog (2/3)
* android/
e4fd949 Add whisperpush.
* device/sony/msm8974-common/
067950e lights: Fix RGB notification LED blinking
* device/sony/rhine-common/
56cc13f rhine: remove unneeded dalvik definition
* frameworks/base/
7ff4d2d Make people lookup default overlay
adc962c Ignore certain overlaid sms-sending packages [1/2]
58ca0d5 Revert "[ActivityManager] Improve task order of getRunningTasks."
84bbdab Revert "Revert "[ActivityManager] Set appropriate relation of task to home""
e420e4c Base: AdBlocker [1/3]
b231231 SystemUI: add left and right virtual buttons while typing
8231ca4 Add SMS Middleware layer.
4703a47 SystemUI: Visualizer tile improvements
3ef4960 base: Add theme support to Ringtone and Profile pickers activities
1d88ff4 Revert "[ActivityManager] Set appropriate relation of task to home"
57138f3 SystemUI : NavigationBar Customization
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
5fddf7c Generate transaction Ids for RetrieveConf - This is required to be able to backup and restore received MMS
a615da7 Ignore certain sms-sending packages [2/2]
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/
8159c34 audio: implement backend platform parser
3881734 audio: add fm playback to usecase map
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
3191a91 DeskClock: add playlist CN translation
* packages/apps/Mms/
013ee26 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
4fa8c38 Mms: Adding backup MMS feature with existing backup SMS
* packages/apps/Settings/
8739489 Inform user that vol wake up overrides playback controls
eb4ac62 Add some dependencies in navbar settings
fbaf05c Settings: Brings SuperUser permission due to AdBlocker feature
c002664 Settings: AdBlocker [2/3]
b8cc09b Skip Misc/Overcounted battery stats in builds
a4d89aa Settings: Fix inflate exception on search. Dynamically replace nested fragment.
f23d0ba Settings: Clarify where weather status appears.
6a8f704 Settings: add navigation bar arrow keys toggle
bb76e40 Settings: Re-add whisperpush settings.
2cf5d2c Settings : Add back navigation bar customization.
* packages/providers/MediaProvider/
ca50428 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
* vendor/crdroid/
867a3d0 Vendor: Sepolicy: Allow AdBlocker perform su shell commands
dd8f08e Vendor: AdBlocker [3/3]
* vendor/sony/
9c62128 honami,amami: Update touchscreen firmware
* external/bluetooth/bluedroid/
5e78adc bluedroid: Fix warning caused by commit f9f2dbcca4263188df5efe28b1a5bcb0ce906b6f
* frameworks/base/
74ba7b7 SystemUI : Add screen timeout tile
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/
0072fbf audio: implement additional platform info xml tags
5f8e880 audio: Extend platform parser to allow device name aliasing
* kernel/sony/msm8974/
fe26bf5 rhine defconfigs: enable MultiRom Support
edb0cd8 clearpad: Update multi-touch protocol
3874957 msm8974: Implement kexec-hardboot
873486d leds-qpnp: Increase RGB LED brightness
d588305 leds-qpnp: change WLED switch frequency mask
80a24ba leds-qpnp: Import Sony's changes for RGB LED control
3716596 Revert "leds: leds-qpnp: Use Sony's driver"
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
5658fd5 DeskClock: consolidate Alarm picker to one dialog
* packages/apps/Mms/
f189220 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
72d96cb Mms: Use tel mimetype for call button on notification
b919b51 Mms: Improve ui for sms compose with chips
2433bfe Fix a ui bugs where an overrided layout shows white on white
6ed572f Mms: fix quickmessage "white on white" text
* packages/apps/Settings/
c9959a6 Expose hardcoded and @Android colors from layouts
8dc633e Settings: Add new gesture vector drawable.
e3981b2 Settings : Add screen timeout
* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
c1bd515 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
edbea0a DynamicGrid: tuning the icon size for some device
b5f816d Make workspace during preview larger
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
23324b8 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
* packages/providers/MediaProvider/
0714ad9 mediaprovider: Add theme support to Ringtone activity
* system/core/
4169faa Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
* vendor/crdroid/
54600dc Add Luxembourgish spellchecking dictionary
* android/
85fd731 Remove VoiceDialer from manifest
* build/
71c1633 build: Remove OpenWnn IME from target config
8400a92 build: Add support for Luxembourgish
c917697 build: Add support for Asturian
* device/sony/honami/
eeef898 honami: update init.sony.usb.rc
554aeee honami: add tftype4 lib and re-order proprietary-files
65e4f4b dependencies: track our own sony blobs
* frameworks/base/
f8bfdf3 [1/2] Frameworks: Doze (ambient display) timeout
b1cc7fa SlimSeekBarPreference: clean up a wee bit
c525068 Fix bad exclude region in landscape
6936b23 Avoid overwriting EGL14.EGL_NO_SURFACE
7b4fdd4 [ActivityManager] Fix activity always visible.
4490a36 Prevent system server dump stuck by pipe buffer full.
b642a4d [ActivityManager] Distinguish FG or BG receiver finished
37cc19e [ActivityManager] Fix process record leakage.
f30df1f [ActivityManager] Prevent application holding AMS lock
8f61325 [ActivityManager] Set appropriate relation of task to home
e0ef382 [ActivityManager] Fix adjust to wrong focused stack
dea10d6 [AppOps] Fix lost op state when upgrading to L.
8577d6b Avoid deadlock between ActivityManagerService and ProcessStatsService.
034b58c [ActivityManager] Reduce report wrong anr activity
dc5e14d [ActivityManager] Avoid orphan ContentProviderRecord.
2e5a51d [ActivityManager] Fix index out of bounds when updating next pss time.
aa4c559 [ActivityManager] Improve task order of getRunningTasks.
ab2761c [ActivityManager] Ensure provider external access count will be released.
7a1b131 Don't enable screen until keyguard is ready
c5097fb Correct the bitmap copy to preserve already drawn area
c6967e6 Fix for half blank screen during App resume
7a051bb Prevent calling GL functions with an invalid surface
158e963 Fast loadInverse() implementation for the common case
31e1bbd [HWUI] fix texture cache can't be removed for recycled bitmap
9ef769c Base: add more drawables to Slim LockScreen Shortcuts (2/2)
f13306f SystemUI: clean up Location tile
* frameworks/native/
e0d7c63 Fix for corruption when numFds or numInts is too large.
3250a13 Surface: Ensure synchronisation of copyBlt
e7e6006 Surface: Always consume fence fd in queueBuffer
* frameworks/opt/chips/
9677961 Chips: Add more logic to dismiss selection dialog
* kernel/sony/msm8974/
544c9e9 rhine defconfigs: enable BFQ scheduler
c2626e9 block: Switch from BFQ-v7r6 for 3.4.0 to BFQ-v7r7 for 3.4.0
019052b block: Switch from BFQ-v7r5 for 3.4.0 to BFQ-v7r6 for 3.4.0
8eb7e7e block: introduce the BFQ-v7r5 I/O sched for 3.4
3a8d6ff rhine defconfigs: enable simple GPU algorithm (by faux)
d6cba68 rhine defconfigs: enable intelliplug (by faux)
6b22376 rhine defconfigs: enable powersuspend (by faux)
b659705 Simple GPU Algorithm: Initial coding for devfreq based Adreno Drivers
6ef5660 intelli_plug: intelligent hotplug cpu driver with eco mode
8c91ff7 powersuspend: new PM kernel driver for Android w/o early_suspend
7e6ab70 rhine defconfigs: enable exFAT
6938219 fs: Introduce exFAT 1.2.9
e134db2 rhine defconfigs: enabled KCAL support (by savoca)
862fff5 msm: mdss: Add KCAL support for rgb/lut control
60e5379 rhine defconfigs: enable intellidemand governor (by faux)
f535379 cpufreq: Add latest version of intellidemand gov
bb22d3b rhine defconfigs: enabled Sound Control (by Faux)
fed43bf Sound Control: add line gain to cached and register lock
12a48f4 Sound Control: separate locking mechanism for recording and playback
cbdbcdc Sound Control: let register lock be dependent on different hw revisions
2ef2d8a Sound Control: Misc clean up for newer WCD9xxx SOCs
099dff2 Sound Control: expose direct register manipulations to userspace
2c97336 sound control: add register cache
fcdb543 Sound Control: (OPTIONAL) add power amp registers access control as well
eef469c Sound Control: (Optional) work around for Nexus 4/5 audio issues
ac801c6 sound control: WCD9320: update speaker gain control for Z1
dc59c50 sound control 3.x: Initial GPL release for WCD9320 Audio Codec
c362ce0 Sound Control: WCD9320: expose additional controls
9367b03 rhine defconfigs: enable SIO & FIOPS I/O Schedulers
fe55cae crDroid Kernel: prepare sony devices to official builds
421620f Add SIO I/O scheduler (msm8974 devices)
3399a3a Squash fiops commits (msm8974 devices)
* packages/apps/Settings/
fa981ee [2/2] Settings: Doze (ambient display) timeout
cdbae2a Settings: add more drawables to Slim LockScreen Shortcuts (1/2)
3f0cd96 Settings: Fix off-by-one SectionIndexer in PrivacyGuard.
201705b Settings: Fix off-by-one SectionIndexer in Expanded Desktop.
ac590a8 DeviceInfo: correctly grab the processor info from /proc/cpuinfo
61d9d5d DeviceInfo: remove unused variable in getMemInfo()
* packages/apps/ThemeChooser/
feb1890 Update notification icon to new paint bucket
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
b9d2fd1 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of CyanogenMod/android_packages_inputmethods_LatinIME · GitHub into cm-12.0
* system/core/
13d53a4 fs_mgr: Allow ext2/3/4 to mount as ext4
81e53f9 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of CyanogenMod/android_system_core · GitHub into cm-12.0
b08cf09 android_reboot: execute recovery pre command while rw mounted
* vendor/crdroid/
4d738ad Remove TMobile themes permission
00eebb3 Don't build VoiceDialer
fef13e3 Remove deprecated VideoEditor packages
df6eaf6 Tap & Pay - Give 'learn more' a URL
43201cf apn: Changes for LT apn's
f4daf7d vendor:cm: Australian English dictionary
* vendor/sony/
4940ed5 pollux_windy: revive rmt_storage
54f1f0f rhine-common: update venus firmware, fix youtube
5db07d7 honami: add tftype4.so lib
250f04d amami: add tftype4.so lib
a7690ed tianchi: Add fm_qsoc_patches binary
3777233 eagle: Add fm_qsoc_patches binary for FM radio
e362f9f 8226: Regenerate makefiles
22e47ad 8226: Import AOSP blobs
75927ee fusion3: update wcnss cfg from 3.2.7-x
2a537c9 fusion3: add drm blobs
e613696 tsubasa: update libqc-opt.so for L
748143a 8974: Use Sony 4.4 venus firmware
b9694f0 shinano: Add mlog_qmi_service
85d6d63 fusion3: add keymaster firmware
d0d0c10 shinano: keylayout: Move to common
862dafa rhine: keylayout: Move to common
* android/
85fd731 Remove VoiceDialer from manifest
* build/
8400a92 build: Add support for Luxembourgish
c917697 build: Add support for Asturian
* device/sony/honami/
eeef898 honami: update init.sony.usb.rc
554aeee honami: add tftype4 lib and re-order proprietary-files
65e4f4b dependencies: track our own sony blobs
* frameworks/base/
f13306f SystemUI: clean up Location tile
51e1e04 Themes: properly dispatch calls to all connected listeners
9f855fa core: Add support for Luxembourgish
25fd6fa core: Add support for Asturian
* kernel/sony/msm8974/
8d55e49 rhine defconfigs: enable MultiRom Support
d44fada clearpad: Update multi-touch protocol
9b14d1a msm8974: Implement kexec-hardboot
544c9e9 rhine defconfigs: enable BFQ scheduler
c2626e9 block: Switch from BFQ-v7r6 for 3.4.0 to BFQ-v7r7 for 3.4.0
019052b block: Switch from BFQ-v7r5 for 3.4.0 to BFQ-v7r6 for 3.4.0
8eb7e7e block: introduce the BFQ-v7r5 I/O sched for 3.4
3a8d6ff rhine defconfigs: enable simple GPU algorithm (by faux)
d6cba68 rhine defconfigs: enable intelliplug (by faux)
6b22376 rhine defconfigs: enable powersuspend (by faux)
b659705 Simple GPU Algorithm: Initial coding for devfreq based Adreno Drivers
6ef5660 intelli_plug: intelligent hotplug cpu driver with eco mode
8c91ff7 powersuspend: new PM kernel driver for Android w/o early_suspend
7e6ab70 rhine defconfigs: enable exFAT
6938219 fs: Introduce exFAT 1.2.9
e134db2 rhine defconfigs: enabled KCAL support (by savoca)
862fff5 msm: mdss: Add KCAL support for rgb/lut control
60e5379 rhine defconfigs: enable intellidemand governor (by faux)
f535379 cpufreq: Add latest version of intellidemand gov
bb22d3b rhine defconfigs: enabled Sound Control (by Faux)
fed43bf Sound Control: add line gain to cached and register lock
12a48f4 Sound Control: separate locking mechanism for recording and playback
cbdbcdc Sound Control: let register lock be dependent on different hw revisions
2ef2d8a Sound Control: Misc clean up for newer WCD9xxx SOCs
099dff2 Sound Control: expose direct register manipulations to userspace
2c97336 sound control: add register cache
fcdb543 Sound Control: (OPTIONAL) add power amp registers access control as well
eef469c Sound Control: (Optional) work around for Nexus 4/5 audio issues
ac801c6 sound control: WCD9320: update speaker gain control for Z1
dc59c50 sound control 3.x: Initial GPL release for WCD9320 Audio Codec
c362ce0 Sound Control: WCD9320: expose additional controls
9367b03 rhine defconfigs: enable SIO & FIOPS I/O Schedulers
fe55cae crDroid Kernel: prepare sony devices to official builds
421620f Add SIO I/O scheduler (msm8974 devices)
3399a3a Squash fiops commits (msm8974 devices)
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
cdb7c09 Add chinese translations
* packages/apps/Settings/
3f0cd96 Settings: Fix off-by-one SectionIndexer in PrivacyGuard.
201705b Settings: Fix off-by-one SectionIndexer in Expanded Desktop.
ac590a8 DeviceInfo: correctly grab the processor info from /proc/cpuinfo
61d9d5d DeviceInfo: remove unused variable in getMemInfo()
b237fcc Settings: Only save settings on destroy if we're user configurable.
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
b9d2fd1 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of CyanogenMod/android_packages_inputmethods_LatinIME · GitHub into cm-12.0
dd0eaab LatinIME: Add support for Australian English
* system/core/
cccbc03 Fix PowerHAL cpufreq permissions
81e53f9 Merge branch 'cm-12.0' of CyanogenMod/android_system_core · GitHub into cm-12.0
b08cf09 android_reboot: execute recovery pre command while rw mounted
* vendor/crdroid/
4d738ad Remove TMobile themes permission
00eebb3 Don't build VoiceDialer
fef13e3 Remove deprecated VideoEditor packages
df6eaf6 Tap & Pay - Give 'learn more' a URL
43201cf apn: Changes for LT apn's
f4daf7d vendor:cm: Australian English dictionary
* vendor/sony/
115dc47 Merge commit '8d95011013090cb37d04259f6bcebdaa7f05099b' into cm-12.0
8d95011 Merge pull request #94 from xkonni/cm-12.0
4ba12d4 Merge pull request #95 from vware/cm-12.0
536ee5a pollux_windy: revive rmt_storage
ff4d3d5 rhine-common: update venus firmware, fix youtube
* bootable/recovery/
1fc30d3 recovery: fix another misspelling of "file_blocks" as "block_size"
* external/icu/
dc29137 Updated ICU stub data file
cec6820 icu: Add Luxembourgish ICU files
8384da6 icu: Add Asturian ICU files
* frameworks/base/
f1d74c7 SystemUI: Lte -> LTE.
1b74208 SystemUI: add AudioFX/visualizer tile
b6f9b0a Privacy guard: option to disable notification (1/2)
9a7279e SystemUI: Create LteTile
e362979 PowerWidget: Re-enable LTE button.
3054d94 Telephony: Add getLteOnGsmMode() method (1/2)
f959390 Framework: Fix typos in audio files includes
c485d17 Fix layout of MultiWaveView and GlowPadView.
15e79d5 More cleanup on QS tiles
* frameworks/native/
ebbdb55 Revert "SurfaceFlinger: Make secure display ifdefs more narrow."
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
549c941 Telephony: Add getLteOnGsmMode() method (2/2)
* hardware/libhardware_legacy/
f7d1831 wifi: add semco for Samsung BCM43569
* hardware/qcom/display-caf/apq8084/
f679e33 hwc: Add secure display attribute
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
98459f8 CMFileManager: Hide cmcc "easy mode" behind overlay config.
b2f362f CM File Manager - Enable Thumbnail previews by default
* packages/apps/InCallUI/
dd23823 InCallUI: Improve CAF strings
* packages/apps/Mms/
0fd0831 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
* packages/apps/Settings/
c1bb4ca Settings: Lte -> LTE.
1290572 Settings: add AudioFX tile
b5b2fe2 Privacy guard: option to disable notification (2/2)
6b5f346 Settings: Add LteTile.
3bd4e31 Settings : Sort QSTiles in picker
9d60405 Settings: Update the notification drawer icon again
* packages/services/Telephony/
883b4b2 MSIM Network Settings update
bc54a49 toggleLTE: switch to Global mode on devices that default to it
e125cb9 Implement toggleLte
564d6ff Phone: Enable LTE for GSM LTE phones (part I)
* system/core/
aa8db43 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
* vendor/crdroid/
db88606 Update Cellcom Israel
ea3d16d apn: New Tuenti (Spain) APN.
* android/
c96184c manifest: Fix qemu-kernel clone depth
* build/
d8520df build: fix ccache preprocessor errors for clang
6581e8b repopick: Catch errors on url load failure
* device/sony/rhine-common/
4774f78 use opensource healthd
* external/bluetooth/bluedroid/
4aad8dc bluedroid: Fix CAF commit 25c965cdcd99f1e495284802785cfb104b19b05c
* frameworks/av/
a6ab7f8 Fix id3 parser crash
1d44178 Fix bugs don't remove track of DirectOutputThread
3ed4ff8 Fix bugs regarding looping play issue with sharedBuffer
0b97100 stagefright: add Samsung S3D support
* frameworks/base/
1156d3c fix error in build after commit 8144d9b0f3a48aab43933e9d83e34a766b0265c7
84ca273 Themes: Check common resource paths at java layer
381cb7d Themes: Allow setting a default theme
f3cab50 Themes: Watch all app crashes for problematic themes
8144d9b Move non-AOSP symbols to cm_symbols.xml
875e3f2 Ringtones: Remove the old ones with same name so material is used
73a438d Fix build error after 3f73f5d724f5e58f2280711c478bd4e476fe0ef5
5e4517e QS: some corrections on location tile code (1/2)
7426781 lowmemorykiller: Overwrite LMK parameters for low-tier devices
0e27bac Themes: System theme should clear wallpaper
7eb9495 SettingsProvider: add default overlay entry for SEND_ACTION_APP_ERROR
a78ba7d Restore ProfileGroup notification override functionality
79f647b SystemUI: unbreak accesibility longpress Overview to unpin
734f6f6 Include material ringtones and notification sounds
3aa9bbf Stop thread before deleting object reference
* hardware/ril/
a28b67c rild: enable tombstone on RIL crash
* hardware/ril-caf/
e43a8f1 rild: enable tombstone on RIL crash
* kernel/sony/msm8974/
67af108 dts: disable backlight segments on leo and aries
38c848d charger: Hack to set androidboot.mode=charger
* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
9b33598 Handle change from boolean to int preference
* packages/apps/Dialer/
1cb922d Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
* packages/apps/Mms/
f0d411a Set notification color.
* packages/apps/OmniSwitch/
fe68c2e Merge remote-tracking branch 'omnirom/android-5.0' into HEAD
* packages/apps/Settings/
c96009f Properly name string resources.
8b03ad2 Settings: Fix build error after 70f60fa685b1eae960fe3bb25cc85bef9361e288
fe40f49 Settings:Fix Settings BT UI no return arrow
5932c6d Bluetooth: Add PBAP Profile to preference list in special case
199116c Bluetooth: Add Manifest configure to fix settings crash issue.
17a46af QS: some corrections on location tile code (2/2)
f1fec95 Settings : Add hooks for device specific features
48d93ab Settings: Update voice wakeup icon
2729081 appops: Load the app list asynchronously
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
e1c1cb2 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
* system/core/
74b61dd healthd: remove useless gotos in set_backlight_on
460de8c Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
e978018 healthd: fix LED color on 100%
210b74a healthd: more descriptive LED path opening error message
9942c54 healthd: remove useless goto in charger mode
4c9f63e Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
* vendor/crdroid/
ff5761b added some devices
9a156d9 sepolicy: Let drmserver scan themes
41d7477 sepolicy: Fix policy for keyhandler
e533614 Add Movistar APN
* vendor/sony/
827a68f honami: add tftype4.so lib
0ee7583 amami: add tftype4.so lib
* android/
2ffb86e manifest: Add APQ8064 HAL repositories
* bootable/recovery/
769d5f0 recovery: autodetect filesystem type
* build/
fbdae9f releasetools: Add radio images to fastboot packages
* device/sony/msm8974-common/
c6d3bf5 msm8974: remove dependencies
* device/sony/qcom-common/
959eb1b qcom-common: disable DOZE feature by default user can enable it if they want it
098e404 qcom-common: remove dependencies
6f5f082 common: set generator changelog flag
2c14383 CameraWrapper: (revised) add support for metering mode
* external/bluetooth/bluedroid/
d5202ba Fixes BLE remote device address type after LE connection
* external/ffmpeg/
4f1bd57 Clean up some build-time warnings
* frameworks/av/
6195593 nuplayer: Add cached lookup of track duration
918ae2c audio: Support for compress offload recovery
644eec2 Revert "Track volume should be maintained even if track is restored."
* frameworks/base/
cca426e Add config_hasRemovableLid
ba2b48f Telecomm: Fix typo in toString call
4c8b278 SystemUI: don't use hardcoded textSize in LocationTile
786eb0e QSTiles: use own profile drawables instead cm's
* frameworks/opt/telephony/
95413a7 DcTracker: Handle null waitingApns properly
* packages/apps/Browser/
e0fa5dd User agent as advanced setting
* packages/apps/Calculator/
69d885e Calculator: Add missing hdpi drawable
* packages/apps/Dialer/
bbcc7c5 Fix animation glitch
* packages/apps/Settings/
7456814 [Lockscreen shortcuts] centralize all option in our custom settings
4b0b0f1 Settings: Tint Black drawables
09f845b Settings: add Bacon to devices and maintainers
* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/
227f0b7 LatinIME: fix action bar theme issue
* packages/services/Telecomm/
e945528 Add back phone notification LED settings backend (1/2)
680b920 Telecom: Don't connect bluetooth audio when incoming call is answered.
* packages/services/Telephony/
db645e1 Add back phone notification LED settings backend (2/2)
* system/extras/
f0f66cd mkimage for OMAP
* vendor/crdroid/
0083a5b sepolicy: Allow cmupdater/uncrypt access to media_rw_data_file
* vendor/sony/
6ea9794 Merge pull request #92 from galaxyfreak/cm-12.0
66a8c3f tianchi: Add fm_qsoc_patches binary
d8c5456 eagle: Add fm_qsoc_patches binary for FM radio
* android/
ae7a8e7 Manifest: add crDroidOTA but disabled for now
* bootable/recovery/
ed08fea mtdutils: Fix mounting partitions by-name
66c8cfd recovery: Fix a couple bugs in sideload cache logic
* build/
7fde7d3 Don't ship VoiceDialer
* device/sony/honami/
1a07224 Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
ac77803 honami: crDroid'fy
40621dd honami: Remove torch overlay and now obsolete cwm prop
* device/sony/msm8974-common/
2958697 msm8974: remove Bionic Optimizations flag
* device/sony/qcom-common/
2bf1420 CameraWrapper: add support for metering mode
05e70c1 qcom-common: add bionic optimization
* external/f2fs-tools/
df3f665 Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/master' into cm-12.0
* external/strace/
c478edc Build a static strace utility
* frameworks/base/
0f1b72c SystemUI: port lock screen toggle tile
b35d1f1 SystemUI: animate state in Performance profile
af57276 Themes: Update LoadedApk resources.
85fba6f Themes: Don't add common assets if files cannot be accessed
1820d26 SystemUI: port compass tile to cm-12.0
d28de36 SystemUI: add NFC tile
05e443b SystemUI : Add missing assets for AdbTile
7d827ea SystemUI : Add adb over network tile
92f935c SystemUI: port performance profile toggle
470269e SystemUI: add Profiles tile
f92c31d SystemUI : Add QSDetailItems
a4d1a2b WindowManagerService: Fix On-Screen keyboard popups when hw-keyboard is present
4e49189 SystemUI : Move shortcut helper instantiation before updateVisibility
912e710 SystemUI: StatusBar: completely unbreak MSIM bar
b49d0b2 Cleanup & optimization.
* frameworks/native/
a358363 Fix for landscape thumbnail images on GLES11RenderEngine
741a356 libgui: add support for Samsung external gralloc usecases
* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8974/
5ef2da5 msm8974 hal: Remove platform and baseband check for CSD init.
* kernel/sony/msm8974/
8d81c63 arm: configs: Seagull: Fix defconfig for sensors enable
912bfde arm: dts: Eagle: Fix i2c properties and enable QUP2
c283d08 msm: Add somc,panel-pwron-reset property to DT and use it.
b2442b9 arm: configs: Seagull: Enable sensors in defconfig
534d895 arm: dts: Seagull: Fix i2c properties and enable QUP2
5749c6c drivers: pn547: Fix pn544 support
491de7d arm: msm: Yukon: Fix NFC clock mess.
c215363 ASoC: msm: msm8226: Port Seagull audio changes (amp and hp detection)
297a721 yukon: update defconfig for NFC
a2d53c2 nfc: add back the missing NFC clock
* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
13be85a CM File Manager : Change Document search to include TEXT mime types
* packages/apps/Calendar/
e1b2003 Calendar: Add some simplified chinese translations
* packages/apps/DeskClock/
5aabc8f DeskClock: add CN translations
* packages/apps/Mms/
9a0a37a Merge remote-tracking branch 'CyanogenMod/cm-12.0' into HEAD
0fe0506 Mms : Add the ability to attach Calendar Events
* packages/apps/Settings/
bd63abc Settings: add newly added toggles
b580e63 Settings: Move expanded desktop setting up.
4a1fddd Settings: Update notification drawer drawable
43914f1 Settings: IT Translations
05c7c17 Settings: IT Translations
4504d6b Update cr_strings.xml
337eead Settings: IT Translations
186f81f Settings : Add adb over network tile
4c02ea1 Settings: Add crDroidOTA
f76ab5d Cleanup.
* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
d8da252 Fix isPresentableTheme() logic
* vendor/crdroid/
eccd082 Added APN for Claro (Costa Rica)
2eee828 Vendor: Build OTA Package
* vendor/sony/
4fa892f 8226: Regenerate makefiles
6fdea59 8226: Import AOSP blobs
ee1e1ea Merge pull request #91 from vware/wcnss
e4bce65 fusion3: update wcnss cfg from 3.2.7-x
76b9bbf Merge pull request #90 from vware/cm-12.0

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